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Tier List File#1_edited.png


Vitality Points: 2300 Speed: 105% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 1.19/min

Kevin Render.png


  • Fast and decent vitality points

  • Great utility

  • Potshots are very powerful, especially with rolling “Potshots”

  • Fast firing speed with Handguns and Magnums

  • Kevin Kick has great utility for spacing, gaining frame advantage, setups in Potshots, Foot Stomp locks, or melee


  • Nasty recovery from Kick on whiff

  • Average virus rate

  • Below average virus spike (3rd worst in the cast)

  • Potshots are nerfed in Network Play Mode if not Room Master

Kevin is a fast and powerful character who is top-tier and ranked as the best character in the game. He can be played in an aggressive or defensive fashion. While Kevin isn’t the best character in terms of “melee,” his kick allows him to gain frame advantage and position himself better than other characters that are put in a disadvantage. Kevin’s ability of rolling “Potshots” makes him very powerful and can practically eliminate most enemies and bosses in the game. Even without rolling potshots, Kevin’s Potshot ability allows for easy enemy disposal while consuming less ammo in the process.

Kevin’s only weakness is his ‘lack’ of dodge but this is remedied by having the fastest movement speed. Kevin has an average virus rate and the third worst virus spike. However, these weaknesses do not hamper Kevin due to the shortness of the scenarios. He’s an excellent choice for beginners.



Frames: 7/4/41 Damage: 20

Fast. Comes out slightly slower than the Tackle but has decent range. There is a tad bit of disjoint of the hit box that extends past the tip of Kevin's boot. Can be executed even with weapons equipped. Kick will cause light or medium stun depends on enemies and no stun at all against stronger enemies. This is a great spacing tool and can easily setup for Foot Stomp locks or knife locks. In most cases, it is primely a setup for Kevin's Potshot when the enemy is too close.

Be careful using the Kick, especially in areas with awkward camera angles as it has a nasty cool down and Kevin can be punished for whiffing it, sometimes badly depending on the enemy. Kevin’s body will move forward if he whiffs the Kick and will move back if his Kick connects.

Kick 1.jpg


Frames: 44/1/20 (Handguns) 44/1/22 (Magnums)

While Kevin is equipped with handguns or magnums, by holding the aiming button for a second, Kevin will readjust his aim. Once the weapon clicks, Kevin can perform a Potshot. Potshots are 100% critical and cause Kevin’s weapon to deal double damage to enemies (damage penalties still apply to all weapons depending on range). Potshot will also cause greater stun than normal shots which helps to stop approaching enemies while causing significantly more damage.

After Kevin readjusts his aim you can move the D-Pad or control stick to change the direction Kevin will aim then if you fire, the shot will still register as a Potshot. However, if you wait a bit after changing Kevin’s direction, Kevin will have to setup for the Potshot again.


Kevin cannot perform Potshots if he’s in Danger or Bleed status with the exception if you're holding the aiming button when Kevin is stunned and recovers. Potshots cannot be performed with the Burst Handgun.

Potshot 1.jpg


Frames: 1/20 (Handguns) 1/22 (Magnums)

Kevin’s advanced technique. After firing a Potshot while also holding the aiming button and changing Kevin's direction such as left or right on the D-Pad and rapidly pressing the Action button, Kevin’s shots will register as Potshots cancelling Potshot setups. These shots can quickly eliminate enemies and even some bosses depending on the handgun Kevin has equipped. This can  work with magnums as well, but the cool down is slightly longer than handguns so it is a tad bit trickier to execute.

In Network Play Mode, if Kevin is not the Room Master, the lag can significantly nerf the effectiveness of rolling Potshots causing lesser stun on enemies but the damage will still apply.

Potshot 2.jpg


Power: Close: 450 Mid: 405 Long: 360

The 45. Automatic is a very powerful handgun that is practically effective against any enemy and boss in the game as it deals great damage and will always cause a stun on hit. Potshots from the 45. Automatic are very powerful so often times players will conserve it exclusively for bosses or for rough situations. Additional ammunition is scarce on harder difficulties so sometimes 7 shots are all Kevin will get for the scenario. The 45. Automatic always causes heavy stun on zombies when hit from close range. Requires 45. Automatic Rounds in order to reload.

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Vitality Points: 3000 Speed: 88% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 1.32/min

Mark Render.png


  • Has the highest vitality points in the cast

  • Mark’s Handgun is very versatile and effective at all ranges and situations

  • Guard makes Mark a “Wall of Pain” and can literally shut down zombies

  • Attacks blocked by Guard do not eliminate the “No Damage Clear” bonus

  • Fast firing speed with Handguns

  • Full Swing makes Mark stronger with melee weapons than the rest of the cast

  • Above average virus spike


  • Slow

  • Has a large hurt box due to Mark’s size

  • Unable to hide inside lockers or under beds

  • Guard doesn’t work against attacks that cause heavy stun, most grabs, or attacks that can instantly kill

  • Mark’s virus can significantly increase from constantly blocking attacks with Guard

  • Fast virus rate (2nd worst of the cast)

  • Full Swing has a long wind up and some melee weapons don't always cause heavy stun on hit leaving Mark vulnerable and often times too impractical to use. Very bad in narrow sections

Mark is the biggest character of the group and has a larger hurt box than the rest of the cast. His larger build also makes him the only character unable to hide under beds or inside lockers. Like Kevin, he also starts with a firearm and although not as powerful as Kevin’s 45 Auto, it is still versatile and useful. Mark possesses the largest vitality points of the cast and doesn’t drop in status as easily but he is also harder to heal fully outside of First Aid Sprays since other recovery items cannot fully heal Mark when his health is very low. Mark is not particularly fast but he’s the only character that has a unique use of melee weapons thanks to his Full Swing.

Most beginners looking for a user-friendly character will favor Kevin over Mark due to Kevin’s superior speed, handgun, and virus rate. Mark has the second worst virus rate in the game but has an above average virus spike ranking above Alyssa but being below David. Mark’s Guard allows him to reduce damage he takes from light and medium stun attacks to 0 at the cost of his virus spiking from contact. This can make Mark extremely powerful in protecting other players in Network Play Mode. Mark falls on the upper mid-tier but is still a solid character and a great choice for beginners.



Frames: 0/1+/26

A bit Different than other characters with dodges. Mark’s Guard takes effect on frame 1 so its auto-guard will appear despite the startup. The Guard can stay up as long as the player holds the aiming and Cancel button. When Mark is attacked by any attack that would cause light and medium stun on hit, Mark will block the attack while staying in place. Damage he would’ve taken is reduced to 0. However, Mark will still take viral damage but using a recovery item or an Anti-Virus prior can prevent the viral spiking.

  • Mark can still suffer status ailments like Bleed and Poison if he blocks attacks that can cause these ailments.

  • Guard cannot block attacks that cause heavy stun (he will take full damage from the attack and knock back) or instant kill attacks.

  • Mark cannot block grabs other than from mobile standing zombies. Window, leg, and ankle grabs will bypass Guard.

  • You can rotate the control stick or D Pad to control which direction Mark will guard from.

  • Mark’s auto-guard frames appear in front of Mark so if he’s attacked from behind, he’ll take damage like normal.

  • Mark cannot block low attacks like a Licker's Claw Swipe.

Guard 2.jpg


Frames: 79/5/53

While Mark is equipped with any melee weapon except knives, by holding the aiming button, Mark will slowly raise his weapon upward. Afterwards, Mark will perform a powerful swing that deals double damage and causes heavy stun on enemies like Zombies and Hunters while causing light stun on stronger enemies. Full Swing has good side and front coverage due to the massive hit box from frames 80 to 84.

Avoid using Full Swing in narrow or tight corridors since Mark can accidentally hit the wall trying to hit an enemy. Theirs is a bug where the Scrub Brush will not cause heavy stun against zombies and instead cause medium stun. There will not be many situations where you’ll be using the Full Swing and its slow startup is oftentimes not worth the extra damage. The charge is cancelled if he’s attacked, uses Guard, or swings too early.

Full Swing 3.jpg


Frames: 5/53

Similar to Rolling Potshot, Mark can rapidly perform Full Swings without charging them again after the initial swing. During the Full Swing, hold the aiming button and press and hold either the left or right buttons on the D-Pad or control stick while rapidly pressing the action button will cause Mark to endlessly perform Full Swings unless he hits a wall or barrier.

Full Swing 4.jpg


Power: Close: 130 Mid: 117 Long: 117

Like Kevin, Mark also starts with a handgun by default. Unlike the 45 Auto, it uses Handgun Rounds so Mark does not need to clog his inventory with a Handgun. Mark’s Handgun is slightly weaker than the default handgun, however it has an edge over the default handgun because it has been modified to have a higher chance of landing critical shots at a distance and its firepower isn’t reduced as much when used at a range making it more versatile. Mark’s Handgun requires Handgun Rounds or the Handgun Magazine to reload.

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Vitality Points: 1800 Speed: 88% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 1.43/min

Jim Render.png


  • Has the best “dodge” in the game

  • Can become incredibly powerful thanks to his ability to influence his “Critical” hit rate thanks to his Coin

  • Zombies have slower reaction to aggro Jim if he’s in their field of vision


  • Slow

  • Lowest vitality points of the male cast

  • Has the worst virus rate of the cast

  • Has the 2nd worst virus spike of the cast

  • Jim’s Play Dead causes his virus to increase rapidly and requires recovery items to truly be abusable

  • Can potentially require too much setup to become powerful

While Jim is the weakest of the male cast - having the lowest vitality points, slow movement speed, fastest virus rate, and second worst virus spike in the cast, Jim is the most broken character in the game. His coin allows him to influence his critical hit ratio with almost any weapon. His Play Dead is the absolute best dodge in the game. Jim can potentially become the most powerful character and unlike the rest of the cast, Jim struggles the least of any character in any possible situation he’s put in.

Jim’s shortcomings might turn off some players but Veterans and other experienced players know how truly broken really is. Jim is a high-tier character and is under Kevin. Jim takes some time to get used to but he is a good choice for beginners.



Frames: 0/1+/47

The best dodge in the game! Has no startup and Jim has invincibility frames on frame 1 during lunging to the floor and maintains them while he lays on the ground. This dodge not only allows Jim to avoid taking an attack but it will also instantly drop the enemies’ aggro. This can cause the creature to go on standby or have them immediately aggro the next character

Jim's virus gauge will begin to increase rapidly as he is lying still. Using recovery items or Anti-Virus Pills can stop the virus from rising as he plays dead. However, Jim can use Play Dead with no restrictions if he takes Daylight which is only exclusive to the Decisions, Decisions scenario.

Jim is no longer invulnerable and can be attacked while he’s getting off the ground so don’t release the aim and Cancel button during an enemy attack. Since his hit box is over low while he’s recovering, many attacks will end up whiffing him. In Network Play Mode, be wise when using Play Dead, as playing dead can cause enemies to aggro swap and attack other players. This can endanger other players, and vigilant teammates are going to catch on quickly to this strategy.

Playdead 2.jpg


Frames: 79/5/53

Anytime Jim enters a room with items present and opens the map, a “?” will appear at the location of any items he has not checked. The “?” will disappear and be replaced with a letter depending on the item after Jim examines it. It will disappear if Jim also takes the item. Item Sense will not work in rooms he’s not currently in. Use this to find items that might be hiding in the environment. Very useful when trying to determine how many items are presently in a new room Jim has entered.

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Frames: 151/1/47

When you select and use Jim’s special item, Jim takes a coin from his back pocket and flips it into the air then catches it and looks at the coin to see which side it lands on. On the bottom middle screen, it’ll randomly display “Heads” or “Tails”. When the coin lands on “Heads” the critical hit ratio will increase by 15%. If the coin lands “Tails” the critical hit bonus will reset back to 0%.

The coin flip has a very long start up, so don't use this in areas with enemies. The coin flip is cancelled if he's attacked before the result of the coin is displayed. Jim's critical bonuses can stack the more he lands “heads” and will last the entire scenario. Jim’s body moves slightly left when he uses the coin if he doesn’t move.

Coin 2.jpg


Vitality Points: 2100 Speed: 87% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 1.04/min

George Render.png


  • Great defensive options

  • Medicine creating abilities allow him to counter any situation

  • Can be incredibly strong with Cindy

  • Has the best virus spike in the game

  • Long survival ability


  • Slow

  • Requires proper herbs and mixed herb compounds to make specific medicines

  • Cannot make medicines from every mixed herb compound

  • Medicine creating abilities are useless with no herbs present

  • George has to offer his medicine in order to help other characters which can be dangerous in enemy filled areas

  • Requires decent knowledge to properly utilize George’s abilities

George stat-wise is a well-balanced defensive character that has the best virus spike in the cast on top of having a decent virus rate. George can live longer than most characters that have slower virus rate but bad virus spikes. Although George is not a particularly fast character, he has options that others do not to remove status ailments and even stall virus rates making him a bit more unique than the rest of the cast.

George’s medicine-making abilities require him to have herbs on stock in order to create mixtures. Care must be used to have the correct herbs and mixes as making the wrong medicines removes a recovery item from the scenario completely. George has to sacrifice recovery items to make medicines to deal with ailments or virus stalling which can affect him or the team’s survival. George’s medic abilities are also limited because he needs access to the correct herbs, cannot make medicines from every mixed herb compound, and recovery items have to be handed out - which can be tough in dangerous situations. George’s abilities require setup as he needs the proper herbs to make the correct medicine to assist other players, whereas Cindy starts with herbs from the start and can assist others immediately. Despite his decent status George is low-tier, and not really a good choice for beginners.



Frames: 64/9/37 Damage: Uncharged: 10 Charged: 20

A unique tackle that is also a dodge. The invincibility frames come out on frame 1 and maintain until frame 14 during startup. George will remain crouched down as long as the Cancel button is held. However, after frame 15, George is no longer invincible and can be attacked while charging.

Once fully charged, George will instantly lunge forward and tackle. Fully charged George Tackles deal double the damage of Tackles and uncharged George Tackles deal the same damage as a Tackle. This tackle is amazing against zombies. Fully charged George Tackles will always knock zombies down. Charged George Tackles are great follow-ups after standard Tackles. They can also be timed to when an enemy will move itself into range when George unleashes the charged tackle.


George doesn’t maintain a lot of invincibility so this isn’t good against meaty attacks like G-Mutant’s Arm Swing unless you’re positioned perfectly or Thanatos R’s Arm Swing from his left, and against Regis Licker’s Tongue Whip for examples. Don’t use this to attack doors with fragile locks as they’re slower than regular tackles and fully charged George Tackles don’t do more damage to the doors than uncharged tackles or Tackles.

George Tackle 2.jpg


Frames: N/A

George is able to combine herbs, recovery bases, and mixed herb compounds in his inventory with his Medicine Set to create various types of medicines. Once George combines the right recovery item with his Medicine Set, the medicine will replace the previous item in that item slot.

George cannot make medicine from every mixed herb compound. Also, be absolutely sure you want to make certain medicines, as some require you to sacrifice herbs to restore vitality points in order to make the new compound. Once you make a medicine George cannot convert the medicine back.

  • Green Herb > Antidote

  • Red Herb > Hemostat

  • Blue Herb > Recovery Medicine

  • Blue & Red Herb > Recovery Medicine (L)

  • Green & Blue Herb > Anti-Virus Pill

  • Green, Green, & Blue Herb > Anti-Virus Pill

  • Green, Red, & Blue Herb > Anti-Virus Pill (L)

  • Recovery Medicine Base > Recovery Medicine

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Vitality Points: 2200 Speed: 96% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 1.04/min

David Render.png


  • Fast and decent vitality points

  • Great utility

  • David’s homemade weapon making abilities make him a great asset to a team

  • Homemade weapons are all very powerful

  • Decent defensive options

  • Very powerful in melee combat

  • Good survival ability

  • Decent virus spike (3rd best virus spike)


  • Requires consumables in his Tool Box to keep his abilities going

  • Has a higher learning curve to use properly compared to the rest of the cast

  • Slow firing speed with handguns and magnums

  • Cannot create homemade weapons without the proper items

  • Can potentially permanently remove items from the scenario to create homemade weapons

David is a powerful, fast, and melee-based character that has an aggressive play style. David specializes in close combat and can use his Tool Box to create homemade weapons to further his offensive capabilities. David can also play a defensive role thanks to his Monkey Wrenches and has a decent virus spike and virus rate allowing him to live for a while.


Of all the top-tier characters David is not an easy character to pick up and play compared to others and not really recommended to beginners. A David player needs to be knowledgeable about how the enemies’ function in order to deal damage without taking it back in return. For players that are fan of knife-only runs or prefer melee combat over firearms and are willing to put in the time and effort, David is a solid character.



Frames: 9/8/25 Damage: 250

David starts each scenario with 12 Monkey Wrenches. While aiming and pressing the Cancel button, David tosses a Monkey Wrench that travels in an upper arc and descends traveling up to 3-character lengths away. These wrenches deal moderate damage and will always cause heavy stun against zombies. However, it will cause light and medium stun on other enemies.

These are great countermeasures to use if David is put in a really bad situation or if he needs to get past several enemies in a room safely. If David is trying to kill an enemy, he’ll have to consume a lot of wrenches. Use the wrenches wisely as David has no way to restore them once he uses them up. In Infinity Mode, David has an infinite amount of Monkey Wrenches to use.

Monkey Wrench.jpg


Damage: Varies depending on knife used

When David is equipped with a knife, he can perform various knife slashes after pressing the Action button at the correct moment. This combo is much faster than standard knife attacks performed by the rest of the cast and has better recovery with the exception of the third slash. David does not deal greater damage with certain slashes and deals damage based off the base power of the knife. Also, despite knives such as the Butcher Knife and Survival Knife having longer blades than the Folding Knife, the range of the hit box is still the same.


Overall, this is David’s bread and butter and what makes David the best choice for knife fans in the game. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy will allow David to easily punish enemies with his Knife Combo and stay at a frame advantage but knowing what slash to stop at to avoid being put at a disadvantage will easily separate a rookie David from a skilled David.

Knife Combo 1st Slash 3.jpg


Frames: 5/6/4

Unlike the other male characters, David has a different animation in his default knife slash. This first slash is great! Comes out fast, good range, quite disjointed (compared to his third slash), and little cool down. Perfectly timed first slashes can actually keep certain enemies stun locked. It’s also a great slash to use to get in a last hit before you need to back off compared to the second slash and be put at a frame disadvantage.

It has a wide horizontal range that covers a wide range from the sides and front of David. Be careful using it in tight corridors and narrow passages because David swings the knife widely making it very easy to clash against walls. David will have to be positioned very awkwardly in order to connect the first slash in these situations.

Knife Combo 1st Slash.jpg


Frames: 1/6/5

David will perform the second slash when you press the Action button as David lowers his knife during recovery if his first slash.

Another fast slash and has a surprisingly wider hit box than the first slash. Also has a nice recovery making it safe in some cases. The second slash shares the same problem as the first slash and it can easily hit walls and barriers in tight corridors and hallways. It doesn’t have as much horizontal range as the first slash. There will be many times where you’ll be ending your knife combo with the second slash compared to the third slash (when knifing Hunters for example).

Knife Combo 2nd Slash.jpg


Frames: 7/5/18

When David has his arm extended during recovery of his second slash, press the Action button to perform the third slash.

The final slash of the Knife Combo. David extends his arm thrusting his knife forward. Oddly, the hit box has less range in front of David than the first slash. However, unlike the other two slashes, David doesn’t have to be positioned perfectly in tight corridors for him to get off the slash as the hit box is narrow and covers in front of David to slightly past the tip of the knife. This slash comes out fast but has the longest cool down so it may not be safe to use this slash as a finisher or against specific enemies like Hunters.

Knife Combo 3rd Slash.jpg


Frames: N/A

David at any time, is able to utilize his Tool Box to perform certain actions. David starts with a decent quantity of items in his Kit that have various uses. The Tool Box comes loaded with 9 Vinyl Tapes, 12 Monkey Wrenches, Folding Knife, and 3 Junk Parts.

Vinyl Tape: Used to create homemade melee weapons. David needs the correct items in his inventory then combines them and he instantly creates a homemade weapon. David cannot make homemade weapons if he uses up all his tape.

  • Pesticide Spray + Lighter: Flame Spray

  • Butcher Knife + Wooden Stick: Spear

  • Iron Pipe + Concrete Piece: Hammer

  • Iron Pipe + Battery: Stun Rod

  • Junk Parts: David can repair broken Handgun SGs and Shotguns by combining the Junk Parts with the broken weapons. David can only fix broken weapons up to three times per scenario.

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Vitality Points: 2000 Speed: 93% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 0.89/min

Alyssa Render.png


  • Fast and has the highest vitality points of the female cast

  • Picking Tool removes the time required to open doors with fragile locks

  • Potshots is very powerful, especially with rolling “Potshots”

  • Decent virus rate


  • Average virus spike

  • Picking Tools have niche use

  • Backstep is very wonky to use effectively

  • Incredibly underpowered, her strengths are outclassed by most other characters

  • Difficult to properly utilize her Picking Tools

  • Potshot is incredibly slow and requires greater distance to use safely

  • Rolling “Potshots” is slightly more difficult to perform

Alyssa is the strongest female of the cast. Despite having decent stats and being quite balanced, she is low-tier, mainly because her strengths are overshadowed by characters higher on the tier list that have similar or better strengths than she does. Alyssa has the ability to use Potshot similar to Kevin but Alyssa’s Potshot is slower to setup and enemies can inch closer due to the longer startup. Since Alyssa’s firing speed is slower than Kevin’s, it is also a little more difficult to roll “Potshots” as well. Alyssa has a great virus rate and an average virus spike.

Alyssa’s only gimmick is her ability to utilize her Picking Tools to open doors and locks but even these situations have niche use and often times do not help advance the scenario with a few exceptions. Overall, Alyssa is an underpowered character who is simply just outclassed by many other characters. I don’t recommend Alyssa for beginners.



Frames: 18/0(1)/16

Alyssa quickly back steps significantly faster than her walking backwards. It’s okay for a spacing tool but it will not always provide her enough window to follow up with a Potshot. It can at least quickly put you out of range of an attack but this move had no reliable invincibility so she can easily be attacked out of it. Back Step can be used to avoid Thanatos R’s Arm Swing if you time it perfectly but isn’t reliable all the time. It is an effective and quicker way to back up from enemies when in Danger status while still facing them and not making your back vulnerable.



Frames: 68/1/21 (Handguns) 68/1/27 (Magnums)

Like Kevin, Alyssa can perform a Potshot if she’s equipped with handguns or magnums and she waits a few seconds while aiming. Alyssa’s setup for Potshots are very slowly, making them difficult to utilize effectively. Some enemies will recover quickly enough to advance before Alyssa can setup for another Potshot. Alyssa will need to be much further away from the enemy to be able to perform Potshots more safely, but this also means, her weapon will take on penalty due to the distance.

Potshot 3.jpg


Frames: 1/21 (Handguns) 1/27 (Magnums)

This advanced technique is also available to Alyssa. After Alyssa finishes setting up for the Potshot and firing, by holding the aiming button and pressing and holding left or right on the D-Pad will rapidly pressing the Action button, Alyssa will roll Potshots. Alyssa’s recovery per shot is slower so it can be more trickery to use effectively compared to Kevin’s.

Potshot 4.jpg


Frames: N/A

Alyssa’s special item is her Picking Tool that comes with 4 different pick locks she can use to open locked doors, lockers, and cabinets. These picks work on doors with fragile locks. There is an exception where it works on doors that require keys in the Outbreak scenario (this will not work on the other scenarios however) Once Alyssa selects a pick to use, she hunches down and works on the lock.

To pick the lock, rapidly press the Action button. If the pick is successful the door’s lock will be heard. The time it takes to pick lock a door depends on the door and pick. Some picks take longer than others to unlock doors, lockers, and cabinets. Each difficulty, the pick lock required might change so never rely on the same pick.

A good way to tell if Alyssa has chosen the right lock is to Ad-Lib as she’ll say if she’s close to unlocking it. Below is the chart for exactly which picks work best.

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J's Bar
→ Staircase Between 1F and 2F

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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Staff Room
→ Liquor Room

  • Easy: P

  • Normal: P

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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Drawing Room (Cabinet)

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: W

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→ Storage Room

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: S

  • Very Hard: P

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Break Room (Locker)

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: I

  • Very Hard: S

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Locker Room (Locker)

  • Easy: P

  • Normal: P

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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Office (Drawer)

  • Easy: W

  • Normal: W

  • Hard: I

  • Very Hard: I

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1F Corridor
→ 1F Lounge Stairs

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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1F Corridor
→ 1F Lounge Stairs

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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Room 102
→ Bathroom

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: W

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Room 201
→ Bathroom

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: -

  • Very Hard: W

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Room 202
→ Bathroom

  • Easy: W

  • Normal: W

  • Hard: I

  • Very Hard: I

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Store Room (Locker)

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: -

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Store Room (Locker)

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: -

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1F Elevator Passway (Locker)

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: W

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B4F Control Room (Locker)

  • Easy: P

  • Normal: P

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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T-shaped Corridor
→ Store Room

  • Easy: P

  • Normal: P

  • Hard: S

  • Very Hard: W

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Store Room
→ Power Room

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: S

  • Very Hard: W

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Vitality Points: 1300 Speed: 76% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 0.78/min

Yoko Render.png


  • Only character to carry more items than the rest of the cast

  • Slowest virus rate in the cast

  • Has the second-best virus spike in the cast

  • Escape is great for setting up whiffs and getting past multiple enemies

  • Can cut a decent amount of time during the “Below Freezing Point” scenario


  • Very slow

  • Weakest character of the cast

  • Frail and suffers status reduction easily

  • Difficult character to use

  • Slow startup on her dodge which can be difficult to utilize correctly

  • Suffers long recoil when using handguns

  • Relies too much on setup and anticipation to dodge effectively (especially in Network Play Mode)

Yoko is the slowest and weakest character in the game. She has the lowest vitality points and suffers status change easily compared to other characters. Yoko has the best virus rate in the game and second-best virus spike with only George being above her. Yoko is the only character with a dodge that grants invincibility frames that does not come out on frame 1 and requires setup and anticipation to use effectively. Yoko is the only character that can carry 8 items compared to the 4 everyone else can carry, which will often attract newer players to her. However, players will realize that Yoko’s flaws are too steep to balance her strengths. 


Yoko is damned to the lowest tier being the worst character in the game due to being the most difficult character to use effectively. It requires good knowledge of the game to make her shine despite her many flaws. Since she is weak, she can’t afford making mistakes in her actions compared to most other characters who have better ways to recover from bad situations. Yoko is NOT recommended for beginners!!!



Frames: 11/47/30 (28 recovery frames if she gets up early)

Different from the other “dodges” because this one does not grant invincibility frames on frame 1 like the other characters. Yoko becomes invincible as soon she hits the ground and maintains them as long as she remains crawling and instantly loses them during recovery. However, because her hurt box is lower during part of the recovery this can allow her to avoid some overhead attacks. By holding the Cancel button, Yoko will crawl further and at frame 59 she will begin to recover. Yoko recovers only 2 frames quicker if she does not perform the full crawling animation.

This dodge has to be used differently than others because it does not work immediately and Yoko can be attacked until she hits the ground. If used with Yoko facing the enemy, she crawls “away.” But if Yoko’s back is turned, she crawls “towards” the enemy, necessitating a quick turn in order to effectively dodge. Utilizing Escape has a high probability to cause whiffs. Yoko is recovering from the dodge during the enemies’ cool down, and often requires that she safely run past them due to lack of invincibility for the entire dodge. Escape is great at dodging meaty attacks such as the entire Tongue Whip and Tongue Finish from Regis Licker.

Escape 3.jpg


Frames: N/A

Yoko’s special item allows her to hold 4 additional items into her Knapsack that she can hold and use for later. Items placed in the Knapsack cannot be used or combined with other items inside the Knapsack or out of it. Yoko needs to combine items in her inventory with the Knapsack in order to store them inside. This is good for holding key items and extra items for later.

pcsx2 2019-07-04 07-55-48-373.png


Vitality Points: 1500 Speed: 89% Power: 100% Virus Rate: 0.89/min

Cindy Render 2.png


  • Quite fast

  • Excellent dodge

  • Very strong with George

  • Slow virus rate

  • Her Herb Case allows her to store a good quantity of herbs which prevents inventory clutter

  • Easy command in “Aid” to heal other characters without having to offer recovery items instead


  • Incredibly frail

  • Suffers status reduction easily

  • Has the worst virus spike of the cast

  • Glass-cannon, making her a double-edge sword character to use

  • Duck causes her to stay in place which can be dangerous if she is surrounded or if the enemy AI decides to get smart with her

  • Invincibility doesn’t last very long on her dodge

  • Requires precise timing and setup to dodge consecutive attacks at once or some meaty attacks

  • Can potentially live the shortest of the cast due to her virus spike

  • “Aid” requires characters to stand still or movement anticipation to use effectively

  • Can easily pick up bad habits such as using Green Herbs in her Herb Case and making her Red Herbs useless

Having decent speed and physically the second weakest character in the game, Cindy is the game’s true “medic.” She starts with a decent quantity of herbs for each scenario which are handy when she needs to heal in a pinch or aid others. Cindy doesn’t have to clog her inventory with recovery items and thus isn't hindered by the limitations of her role like George. Cindy has an excellent dodge which works great against most attacks in the game.

Cindy has a great virus rate but she has the worst virus spike in the game. This makes her a double-edge sword because while she can live longer than most characters in the game, she can also live the shortest which makes her the frailest character in the game despite not having the lowest vitality points. Therefore, she has to be more careful on how she engages enemies compared to other characters. Cindy is a mid-tier character specifically because her medical role is decent, she has a great dodge, and can be a decent fighter in close proximity.

Overall, Cindy is a good choice for beginners, but keep in mind that you can pick up some really bad habits playing her. Beginners often use single Green Herbs to heal, thereby making the rest of her herbs useless. You’ll also need to be reliant on healing others while they’re moving and not standing still - especially in Network Play Mode.



Frames: 0/23/25

Great dodge! Not as good as Jim’s Play Dead but it’s a great dodge to get you out of a quick jam. Has no start up frames and immediately grants Cindy invincibility frames on frame 1. It’s good for fast attacks. The invincibility doesn’t last for a long time. Cindy becomes vulnerable at frame 24, so the Duck can be punished by slow or meaty attacks like G-Mutant’s Arm Swing if Cindy is poorly positioned, Thanatos R’s Arm Swing, or consecutive attacks without proper spacing and timing.

Cindy’s Duck does not cause her to move and she stays in place so be careful as it can place her in a bad situation even after an effective dodge.

Duck 1.jpg


Frames: N/A

Cindy starts every scenario with 2 green herbs, 2 red herbs, and 2 blue herbs. Cindy can hold the max of 3 of each herb. She can also store one mixed herb compound in the fourth slot in her case. The Herb Case is great since Cindy can hold a large quantity of herbs and not jeopardize her inventory with recovery items. Cindy gains a few actions she can use with the herbs in her case which have various uses and some that can be strategically used.

pcsx2 2019-07-04 07-56-37-818.png


Frames: N/A

  • Take Out: Cindy can take out any herb or mix herb compound and put it in her main inventory as long as she has a free slot to do so. There are not many situations where you’ll need to take out herbs in the herb case but this can be used strategically in two ways: first, to avoid removing item spots from the map if you have nothing in inventory to replace with the item; second if you’re trying to give individual herbs or mixes to another character, such as George herbs for him to create a specific medicine.

  • Combine: Cindy can combine herbs with other herbs in her case but not with herbs or mixed herb compounds outside the case. Once she combines an herb, it will immediately fill the fourth inventory slot in her case. Cindy cannot combine other herbs to make a different mixture if she already has one and can only combine single herbs as long as the mixture can take other combinations.

  • Aid: Cindy will enter the standing animation similar to picking an item up and will heal a character depending on the herb she uses the command on. Cindy auto-traces the closest character that is in her range. This avoids item trading in dangerous situations however, if you’re good at anticipating, you can trigger the aid as they get close to you to aid them immediately. It is important to note in Network Play Mode, if you aid a player on your screen when they’re next to you it will register despite them not being there on their screen. Aid works at any time against character regardless if they’re attacked, stunned, or have invincibility.

  • Use: Cindy will use the selected herb in her case on herself.

pcsx2 2019-07-04 07-56-48-180.png


NPCs or known as Non-Playable Characters are extra characters that can be unlocked via purchasing them through Collections. Once purchased, players will be able to use NPCs during game play. These characters share the same abilities as the main cast. NPCs will have different stats which makes them different than the regular cast. Some NPCs will be completely overpowered while others are near or balanced while some will be very weak. Some NPCs will also start in Danger status but will always have enough vitality points where a single recovery item will get their health high enough that they can run normally. NPCs will start with items whereas the main cast does not (Some NPCs don’t start with items).

Below is a character of all possible NPCs that can be played. The vitality points displayed shows values that the NPC’s vitality points can start at. Each game, their vitality point value will be different so they’re never the same generally. Some NPCs listed are not available through normal means and require you to convert data from Resident Evil: File#2 to Resident Evil: Outbreak to use them and others require a cheating device or a hacked save file.



Al B.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 114%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green+Green)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 105%

  • Power: 82%

  • Virus Rate: 1.48/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.52/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red+Blue)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Antidote (1)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 112%

  • Virus Rate: 0.79/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe 

Danny B.png


  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 116%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray



  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 130%

  • Virus Rate: 1.48/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Hunk B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 130%

  • Virus Rate: 1.50/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (30)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Rodney Man 5.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 94%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Red Herb



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 105%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (20)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Mr. Red.png


  • Vitality Points: 500 - 800

  • Speed: 50%

  • Power: 150%

  • Virus Rate: 1.92/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: N/A



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 102%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (30)

Karl UBCS1.png


  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 118%

  • Virus Rate: 1.03/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

Karl UBCS1.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 121%

  • Virus Rate: 1.19/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (15)

Hunk B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 110%

  • Virus Rate: 1.43/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray





  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 75%

  • Power: 121%

  • Virus Rate: 1.32/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (15)



  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 59%

  • Power: 122%

  • Virus Rate: 1.32/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 84%

  • Power: 88%

  • Virus Rate: 1.32/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 75%

  • Power: 98%

  • Virus Rate: 1.58/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 110%

  • Virus Rate: 1.20/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 75%

  • Power: 119%

  • Virus Rate: 1.32/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 84%

  • Power: 96%

  • Virus Rate: 1.82/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Blue)

Gill B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 1.58/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)

Don Man 4.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 84%

  • Power: 87%

  • Virus Rate: 1.16/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (10)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.58/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

Mr. Gold.png


  • Vitality Points: 3600 - 4000

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 150%

  • Virus Rate: 0.66/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: N/A



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 75%

  • Power: 91%

  • Virus Rate: 1.58/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Iron Pipe





  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 79%

  • Power: 83%

  • Virus Rate: 1.43/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 71%

  • Power: 92%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Blue Herb

Kurt B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 79%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 1.67/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

Chuck Man 7.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.29/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Matthew Man 8.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.48/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 93%

  • Virus Rate: 1.43/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Mr. Green.png


  • Vitality Points: 3600 - 4000

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 2.26/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: N/A



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 118%

  • Virus Rate: 1.43/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe

Derek USS2.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 109%

  • Virus Rate: 1.69/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Iron Pipe

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 1.67/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)





  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 87%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)

Al C.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green+Green)



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Green Herb



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 73%

  • Power: 92%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Anti-Virus Pill (1)

Ethan Doctor 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 73%

  • Power: 88%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

Howard Doctor 2.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Antidote (1)

Isaac Doctor 3.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 113%

  • Virus Rate: 0.71/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

Keith Doctor 4.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 92%

  • Virus Rate: 1.01/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (L)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 105%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Red Herb

Len Fireman.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 73%

  • Power: 111%

  • Virus Rate: 0.71/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (L)



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 91%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Anti-Virus Pill (L)



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Blue)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 99%

  • Virus Rate: 0.74/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Gary B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 0.97/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Iron Pipe

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 3600 - 4000

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 85%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Anti-Virus Pill (L)



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 57%

  • Power: 84%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 90%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Hemostat (1)



  • Vitality Points: 900 - 1200

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 87%

  • Virus Rate: 0.98/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Hemostat Mixed Herb (Green+Red+Blue)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Patrick Keeper 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 110%

  • Virus Rate: 1.09/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 96%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)

Sean Man 2.png


  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 57%

  • Power: 112%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe

Richard Man 9.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.08/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Mr. Blue.png


  • Vitality Points: 500 - 800

  • Speed: 97%

  • Power: 80%

  • Virus Rate: 0.52/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: N/A

Frost Scholar 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 57%

  • Power: 96%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Blue Herb

Frost Scholar 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 81%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red)





  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 84%

  • Power: 138%

  • Virus Rate: 1.58/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Iron Pipe



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 93%

  • Power: 107%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Green Herb



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 93%

  • Power: 115%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (20)

Lloyd Keeper 2.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 93%

  • Power: 95%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Blue)

Phillip Man 3.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 93%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 1.04/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)

Robert Man 6.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 109%

  • Virus Rate: 1.02/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Blue)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Mr. Black.png


  • Vitality Points: 3600 - 4000

  • Speed: 46%

  • Power: 132%

  • Virus Rate: 0.52/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: N/A



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 93%

  • Power: 112%

  • Virus Rate: 0.92/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green+Green)



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 84%

  • Power: 118%

  • Virus Rate: 0.71/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Green Herb



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.08/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.





  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 100%

  • Power: 89%

  • Virus Rate: 0.94/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 91%

  • Power: 98%

  • Virus Rate: 0.78/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Red+Blue)

Elena Nurse 2.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 91%

  • Power: 84%

  • Virus Rate: 1.43/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 91%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 0.78/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Antidote (1)



  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 91%

  • Power: 113%

  • Virus Rate: 0.78/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Handgun Rounds (15)

Laura Woman 2.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 95%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 0.79/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: First Aid Spray

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.



Regan B.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 74%

  • Power: 82%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Danger

  • Item: Hemostat (1)

Amelia Woman 3.png


  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 90%

  • Power: 100%

  • Virus Rate: 1.27/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Red herb

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Yoko Z.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 66%

  • Power: 94%

  • Virus Rate: 1.25/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Anti-Virus Pill (L)





  • Vitality Points: 3100 - 3500

  • Speed: 86%

  • Power: 83%

  • Virus Rate: 1.07/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Blue Herb



  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 86%

  • Power: 96%

  • Virus Rate: 0.89/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (L)



  • Vitality Points: 2000 - 2500

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 96%

  • Virus Rate: 0.61/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (1)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

Kathy Nurse 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 1300 - 1600

  • Speed: 86%

  • Power: 97%

  • Virus Rate: 0.78/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Recovery Medicine (L)

Ginger Woman 1.png


  • Vitality Points: 2600 - 3000

  • Speed: 85%

  • Power: 113%

  • Virus Rate: 1.07/min

  • Status: Fine

  • Item: Mixed Herb (Green+Green)

NOTE: Extra NPC that can only be obtained through a cheating device or save file with the extra NPCs.

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