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A hospital transformed into some kind of hive full of squirming "things." We pushed on and pushed the repulsive image from our minds.

THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 3F Easy.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 3F Normal.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 3F Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 3F Very Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome

Room 301

At the start of the scenario, if you immediately turn around, you can access the nurse call button. Using this does nothing in game but it counts as part of the list of scenario events. This room has no items do advance forward and a doctor will enter the room have a boring dialogue. Once he finishes speaking, follow him through the door he used.


Room 301
→ 3F Passage

To your character’s right on the eastern side will be a Scrub Brush if you wish to grab it. You'll notice an elevator; however, it is not working and you can't access it yet. Head to the southern part of the passage and make a left near the shutters. A Green Herb is placed on the tiny table in the corner here on the Easy and Normal difficulties only. Enter the door near the table.


3F Passage
→ Room 302

Between the two beds there is a drawer with a Stick inside (I recommend taking it and equipping it unless you're going for a "No Weapon Clear" bonus). On the Easy difficulty, a Red Herb will be laying on the ground between the two beds. There is also another nurse call switch by the bed near the door for more scenario completion points if you didn't press it back in Room 301. Head towards the window and you'll find a Crutch next to the locker on the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties. There is a diary on the bed which contains the Male Nurse's Diary file inside. Optional to pick up but it does reward you with more scenario completion points if obtained. Once you grab the diary, the file will be recorded in Files and you can then ditch the diary from your inventory afterwards.

Approach and open the locker to find a Handgun inside. As soon as you take it, a Leech Man will drop down on you. If you have the Stick equipped, you can throw it as the monster. If hit, it'll cause a light stun and enough time for you to run past and exit the room. If you're aiming for a "No Weapon Clear" bonus, you'll have to tackle it, but hopefully it doesn't use its Leech Spear attack before you get close enough. Don't bother fighting it as it cannot be killed. Just leave the room. 


Room 302
→ 3F Passage

Backtrack back to where the elevator is and use the door across from it.


3F Passage
→ Nurses' Center

A Scrub Brush is located at the corner near the door you entered from on the Very Hard difficulty. Across from the door is the Map of the entire hospital. On the left side of the door there is a Repair Work Memo file here. Approach the barricade to trigger a cutscene to witness the silly but unfortunate demise of Harsh. Once the cutscene resolves and you gain control of your character, quickly climb up the barricade (the corpse that was laying down on the ground earlier will come to life and attack unless you're playing on the Easy difficulty). Climb down the barricade and approach the blood temperature regulation machine and open it to obtain 2 Blood Packs. A Leech will be on this side of the barricade. It can be killed easily if desired but it'll respawn on the other side where the zombie is so beware. At the corner near the elevator controls by the window you'll find a First Aid Spray if playing on the Easy and Normal difficulty but there will be a Hemostat here instead of playing on the Hard difficulty.

With the 2 Blood Packs in inventory, head back and use the door to leave the room. 


Nurses' Center
→ 3F Passage

The Leech Man will immediately drop down from the ventilation shaft. Approach the elevator and examine it to open the doors. On the Very Hard difficulty, the zombie that was laying down near the door near Room 302 will become active but fortunately, you'll no longer need to come back to 3F. Once inside the elevator you'll be given a message to select which floor you wish to go to. Read below to decide which objective you decide to tackle first. 

WARNING: On the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be inside the elevator and will exit out using its Double Scratch attack so stay clear of the door as it is opening and quickly enter once the zombie is out of the elevator.


Nurses' Center
→ 3F Passage

The Leech Man will immediately drop down from the ventilation shaft. Approach the elevator and examine it to open the doors. On the Very Hard difficulty, the zombie that was laying down near the door near Room 302 will become active but fortunately, you'll no longer need to come back to 3F. Once inside the elevator you'll be given a message to select which floor you wish to go to. Read below to decide which objective you decide to tackle first. 

WARNING: On the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be inside the elevator and will exit out using its Double Scratch attack so stay clear of the door as it is opening and quickly enter once the zombie is out of the elevator.

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The Leech Man from now on will begin to stalk players from room to room using the ventilation shafts as a means for transportation. The Leech Man cannot be killed by conventional means but when its vitality points hit 0, it'll collapse to the ground and enter a brief fainting mode. Once the Leech Man arises, its vitality points will be completely restored. The Leech Man will remain in a room as long as there is a character within its field of vision. However, you can temporarily lose it if you remain hidden outside its field of vision for a while or by hiding inside locker (as long a it doesn't see you enter one or hears you inside the locker)

Blood Packs allow you to temporarily distract the Leech Man or any leeches in the room. This gives you time to obtain key items or to solve puzzles but the Leech Man will eventually consume the entire pack and will then again begin to chase after characters. If you need to pass through a Leech Man and no Blood Packs are available, Tackles, Kevin's Kick, and melee weapons (except knives), are reliable in stunning the creature long enough for you to rush past. 

Avoid firearms such as the Handgun, Burst Handgun, and Mark's Handgun as they cause no damage or stun on the Leech Man. Kevin's 45. Automatic can effectively stun and damage it and the Sub Machine Gun can quickly deplete the Leech Man's vitality points and heavy stun it. 

If possible avoid fighting it, as the Leech Man has the most damaging grabs in the game. Also it will use its Leech Spear in attempts to inflict Bleed status on a character. If a character is bleeding, it'll ignore all other characters and chase after the bleeding character. A Hemostat or a First Aid Spray are the only means to cure Bleed immediately outside of waiting a bit for the status to wear off on its own. If a Blood Pack is spilled, the Leech Man will ignore the bleeding character. 

THE HIVE: Guides


You will have two objectives to tackle: either obtain the Padlock Key first and then defeat the Leech Man or defeat the Leech Man then obtain the Padlock Key. For the safety of newer players or those uncomfortable with leaving the Leech Man alive to be a potential menace, I'll be explaining the walkthrough with eliminating the Leech Man first. Once it is defeated, it can no longer chase players around the hospital.

It is worth noting that if you decide to get the Padlock Key first, it does save you a lot more time than if you decide to kill off the Leech Man first. There is no right or wrong way to tackle the objectives but if you're worried about safety rather than the time save, then taking out the Leech Man is more preferable.

Lastly it is worth noting that most of the rooms in the hospital are not required to be visited and can be ignored completely. Many of these rooms have items you may and may not need and some files or tasks that fill the scenario event checklist. If you're Special Item hunting, you'll need to check these rooms eventually. Checking these rooms are of course optional and will be mentioned so if you're gunning just to complete the scenario objectives, you can ignore these rooms and parts of the guide and focus on the scenario completion itself.



TH Map B1F Easy.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B1F Normal.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B1F Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B1F Very Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome

3F Passage
→ B1F Passage

Ignore the door straight across from the elevator and proceed down the passage until you spot a door half way down. Ignore the Leeches that are here and enter the door.


B1F Passage
→ Elevator Control Room

A Blue Herb will be placed on the table near the lockers right across from the door you entered from. The lockers can be used to temporarily hide if need be. This room will contain Leeches. 3 are on the elevator controls and 2 on the ground if playing on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty. Spill a Blood Pack anywhere in the room. The Leeches on the control panel will jump off and go after the blood. If you didn't not grab any Blood Packs, you'll have to attack and kill the Leeches in order to use the panel. Spilling a Blood Pack is highly suggested as the Leech Man tends to drop in this room quite quickly. 

Approach the controls and input the correct codes to gain access to B2F. The Rooftop is optional but gaining access grants more points for the scenario completion checklist and the Rooftop has more value to players in control of Kevin or Cindy. There is a Setting Manual file near the control panel. A First Aid Spray will be next to the computer near the control panel on the Easy and Normal difficulties. After inputting the correct codes, you can leave the room.


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The hint to the Rooftop's elevator code is located at the Doctors' Station. Examine the table as shown in the image above for a message. "My daughter's birthday is September 30th" which means in number terms, that is her birthday is 0930.

THE HIVE: Guides
THE HIVE: Pro Gallery


The hint to the elevator code for B2F is broken up into two separate files. The Chemical Code Message file is located at the Nurses' Station inside a glass cabinet. Examining the cabinet will release Leeches and puts the character into Bleed status so be warned. The Piece of Memo file is located at the Office at the corner of a table. 

Using the images above, to figure out the code, you need to add the numbers from the Piece of Memo file; 2345 with the numbers on the Chemical Code Message file. Then apply those totals to the elevator code to get the right code. It will change on different playthroughs. 


NOTE: The code for B2F will always be 3555 if it is your very first game in either Single Play or Network Play Mode.

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All possible solutions to access B2F.

  • 3555

  • 5315

  • 8211

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Solutions to access the Rooftop.

  • 0930

THE HIVE: Guides

Elevator Control Room
→ B1F Passage

Head for the door straight across from the elevator.


Elevator Control Room
→ B1F Passage

Head for the door straight across from the elevator.



TH Map B2F Easy.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B2F Normal.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B2F Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map B2F Very Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome

B1F Passage
→ B2F Passage

Head for the door straight across from the elevator.


B2F Passage
→ Laboratory

Straight ahead from the door you entered, you'll find the Investigation Request file. It is a pickup item so once you grab it, you can then replace it for another item. The Researcher's Diary file is located on the desk on the southern side. Like the previous item, it is a pickup item so you can get rid of it for another item once you have picked it up. The corner will have a blood temperature regulation machine which will have a single Blood Pack on all difficulties except for the Very Hard. On that difficulty there will be a Hemostat instead. Proceed to the door next to the machine.


→ Fixed Temperature Laboratory

A Hemostat will be right in front of you on the table on the Easy and Normal difficulties. Enter the sliding door. You'll need to wait until the Leech Man enters the room. Once it appears you can spill a Blood Pack to have it immediately run into the temperature room or let it enter on its own then leave as it is entering (this will save you a Blood Pack). Once it has entered the temperature section of the room, approach and use the panel and set the controls for "High". A cutscene will play of the Leech Man being killed. Once the cutscene ends, use the control panel and set the settings to "Low", then enter the room where the Leech Man died and examine the body to find the Card Key Level 2. Once you grab the card key, leave the room.


→ Fixed Temperature Laboratory

A Hemostat will be right in front of you on the table on the Easy and Normal difficulties. Enter the sliding door. You'll need to wait until the Leech Man enters the room. Once it appears you can spill a Blood Pack to have it immediately run into the temperature room or let it enter on its own then leave as it is entering (this will save you a Blood Pack). Once it has entered the temperature section of the room, approach and use the panel and set the controls for "High". A cutscene will play of the Leech Man being killed. Once the cutscene ends, use the control panel and set the settings to "Low", then enter the room where the Leech Man died and examine the body to find the Card Key Level 2. Once you grab the card key, leave the room.



After the Leech Man is killed, if any partners have been killed during the scenario, they'll transform and become new Leech Men/Women. Their behavior will still be the same and the same rules apply when dealing with them but depending on the character that has transformed will effect its speed, therefore faster characters will become faster Leech Men/Women. Unfortunately, you cannot kill these newer menaces in the same way, making them permanent threats for the remainder of the scenario.


Fixed Temperature Laboratory
→ Laboratory

Leeches will be in here now that the Leech Man is dead. On the Very Hard difficulty, the zombie that was laying down will come to life. Don't linger, ignore the Leeches and a zombie and use the door leading back to the B2F Passage.


→ B2F Passage

Leeches will drop from the ventilation shafts here. On the Hard and Very Hard difficulty, a zombie laying down deep in the passage will arise. You can avoid the damage ticks and massive viral spikes from the Leeches by spilling a Blood Pack here and this will keep them away completely. At the end of the passage is a door with a card reader next to it. Use the Card Key Level 2 on the reader to unlock the door. There is a Card Memo file to the left of the door. Once you unlock the door, you no longer need to hold onto the card key. Don't bother entering the door just yet if you don't have the Padlock Key as you'll need to obtain it in order to continue with the scenario. 

Return to the elevator and use it to access the 2F.



TH Map 2F Easy.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 2F Normal.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 2F Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 2F Very Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome

B2F Passage
→ 2F Passage

The door near the elevator leads to the Nurses' Station but it is entirely optional if you wish to enter the room unless you need Blood Packs. The east side of the room has a First Aid Spray near the vending machines on all difficulties except for the Very Hard difficulty. Further south in the passage there will be a zombie. The eastern side of the passage from the shutter and stairs is a door leading to Room 202 which has a few items - and a zombie if playing on harder difficulties. There is no real point of ever entering unless you're Special Item hunting. Proceed down the flight of stairs.


2F Passage
→ Nurses' Station 

On higher difficulties, there will be a zombie active here. The opened cupboard in front of you will have a Handgun inside on the Easy and Normal difficulty. The desk on the west side will have an Anti-Virus Pill. Further down you'll spot Handgun Rounds sitting on a chair across from the blood temperature regulation machine. The machine itself will have 3 Blood Packs inside (if you have already killed the Leech Man, it will be unlikely you will need them unless a partner has died and transformed into a new Leech Man or Woman). Next to the machine are an infinite supply of Hemostatic that can be used to cure the Bleed status infinitely.

If you examine the glass cabinet near the door, two Leeches will burst from the cabinet and instantly inflict Bleed status on your character. It is also important to note that if these leeches are killed, they will spawn infinitely through the ventilation shaft. However, doing so will allow you to get the Chemical Code Message file tucked inside which is tied to the pass code required for the elevator. Unless you have a Hemostat handy, you'll need to limp or tackle to the box of Hemostatic at the end of the room near the blood temperature regulation machine and use them to remove the Bleed status. Doing so counts for the scenario completion checklist but on the downside, this will cost you a "No Damage Clear" bonus. Once you have no further need for this room, proceed to the door.


2F Passage
→ Room 202 

On higher difficulties, there will be a zombie active at the end of the room. A Crutch will be next to the door you entered from on all difficulties except the Hard difficulty. There is a drawer between the two beds that contains Handgun Rounds inside. Additional Handgun Rounds can be found by the table on top of the bed closest to the window on the Hard difficulty while a Butcher Knife is here instead on the other difficulties. There is also another nurse call switch here for more scenario completion points if you didn't press it back in Room 301 and Room 302. You'll find a Green Herb sitting on the east side of the room on all difficulties - except the Very Hard difficulty in which a Blue Herb will be here instead. Grab whatever you need and leave the room.



TH Map 1F Easy.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 1F Normal.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 1F Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome


TH Map 1F Very Hard.png
THE HIVE: Welcome

2F Passage
→ 1F Passage

An Iron Pipe will be on the ground next to the stairs and if you didn't acquire the Map from the Nurses' Center back on the 3F, you'll find it on the wall on the hanging glass case. The door that is next to the closed shutters leads to Night Reception. Access the door that is on the left of the south side near the map to continue onward, otherwise read the optional rooms if you want to procure items and complete scenario events.


1F Passage
→ Night Reception 

On your character's left, you'll find the controls for the shutters. This will apply power and allow you to raise the shutters to access the doors sealed off (this counts towards the scenario completion checklist). On the shelves you'll find a Security Guard Guide file ONLY if you're playing as Mark. You may stumble across an NPC sitting down in the corner here. Talking to him grants no benefits in the scenario other than a warning to use Blood Packs around Leeches. Near the burning boxes, you'll find a Burst Handgun on the Easy and Normal difficulty, a Handgun on the Hard difficulty, and a Handgun Magazine on the Very Hard difficulty.


1F Passage
→ Hall 

Depending on the difficulty being played, you'll find herbs scattered about here and possibly a Butcher Knife on the seat across from the Reception Room. There is another shutter here which you can raise by approaching and using the switch near it. The main entrance door cannot be accessed but the doors near it can.


→ Office 

A Scrub Brush will be right next to you as soon as you enter the room on all difficulties except the Very Hard difficulty. If you have a Blood Pack handy, spilling one here would be wise as there are Leeches in the room and the camera angles provided here will make them very difficult to spot on the ground. The west side section of the table will have a Piece of Memo file which is tied to the pass code solution to the elevator controls for the lower level of the hospital. On the Easy and Normal difficulty, there is a First Aid Spray on top of the cabinet.

There are two drawers near the First Aid Spray's location. One of the drawers can be opened but the other requires Alyssa's Picking Tools to open. Inside, the item will change based on difficulty. You'll notice another door near the file, be warned that you'll be dangerously close to a zombie in the next room if you decide to enter.



Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the drawer. ​

  • Easy: W

  • Normal: W

  • Hard: I

  • Very Hard: I

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THE HIVE: Guides

→ Doctors' Station

A zombie will be very close to you as soon as you enter the room. On harder difficulties, another zombie will be on the other side of the room. The cupboard between the door and elevator will have a Blue Herb. The other side of the room has an opened locker that contains Handgun Rounds inside on all difficulties except the Very Hard difficulty in which there is a Hemostat instead. The south side of the table in the middle contains an Anti-Virus Pill (L) on the Easy and Normal difficulties while it will be an Anti-Virus Pill on the Hard and Very Hard difficulties. If you examine the table near where the virus pill was, you'll see a message about a doctor's daughter's birthday being on September 30th. This message is tied to another pass code for the elevator controls which will allow you to gain access to the rooftop.


→ Central Waiting Room 

Seconds after entering the room, a zombie dog will burst through the window and attack. The dog can be killed off permanently but ignore it unless you're trying to grab items. There is a Green Herb on the floor near where the zombie dog came from. On the Easy difficulty there is another Green Herb on the counter near the shutter while there will be a Red Herb instead on the Very Hard difficulty. The door near the shutter will lead to the room you need to enter. Scroll down until you reach the section about the Examination Room.


1F Passage
→ Locker Room

A Scrub Brush will be right by the sink near the door you entered from. Further down the corridor you'll come across a line of lockers. Beware as on the Hard difficulty, there will be Leeches on the ground near the lockers and on the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be hiding off screen at the end of the corridor.

The locker on the right close to the wall will contain a Red Herb on all difficulties. The second locker contains no items but will allow characters to temporarily hide. The third locker will release a zombie from its confinement if opened on the Normal and Hard difficulty. You will find Handgun Rounds as well on the Easy and Normal difficulties while a Handgun Magazine will be here instead on the Hard difficulty. The last locker requires Alyssa's Picking Tools to open to obtain any items inside. Once you're done looting the Locker Room, proceed to the door near the lockers.



Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the locker. ​

  • Easy: P

  • Normal: P

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S

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THE HIVE: Guides

Locker Room
→ Examination Room

Use caution entering the Examination Room from the Locker Room. As you get close to the window a zombie will burst through it in an attempt to grab and pull you out the window. Approach the desk where the corpse is sitting to find the Card Key Level 1. If you go deeper in the room, the corpse that was sitting down will animate and attack. On harder difficulties, another zombie will be trying to open the door further down. You'll find a Blue Herb on the table here and by the patient bed you'll find a First Aid Spray on all difficulties. If you want to avoid animating the zombies here, you can avoid being in the center of the room. Return to the door you used to enter the Examination Room.


Examination Room
→ Treatment Room 

As soon as you enter the room, on your character's left near the door on top of the patient monitoring device you'll find a First Aid Spray in the Easy difficulties and Handgun Rounds on the Very Hard difficulty. A Hemostat will be on the bed here. If you have a desire to save, a Typewriter is next to the bed near the Hemostat. You might notice a random NPC sitting here, talking to him does nothing other than provide warning to use Blood Packs in the presence of Leeches. The back corner of the room where an open medicine cabinet is, you'll find Recovery Bases inside. Only George can pick these up as they'll convert into Recovery Medicine when combined with his Medicine Set. Once you're done in here, leave the room.


Examination Room
→ Locker Room

If you don't need anything in this room, proceed to the door on the left.


Locker Room
→ 1F Passage

Head up the stairs.


1F Passage
→ 2F Passage

If the zombie is in your way, tackle to stun or dodge around her and head towards the elevator. Stand clear of the elevator doors if playing on the Hard difficulty as a zombie will come out attacking as soon as the door opens. Once inside the elevator, select B1F.


2F Passage
→ B1F Passage

Go down the passage until you come across a door at the end. A zombie that is trapped will break down the fence as soon as you approach the door. Use the Card Key Level 1 on the card reader to unlock the door (if you time it correctly, your character becomes invincible during the card sliding animation preventing the zombie from attacking you). Enter through the door.


B1F Passage
→ B1F South Passage

Soon as you enter the passage, a zombie will immediately aggro. There will be a Red Herb near the pipe in front of you on all difficulties except on Very Hard as it will be a Green Herb instead. Continue down the passage and further down there will be another zombie near the incinerator. Ignore the zombie and continue forward and use the door straight ahead.


B1F South Passage
→ Waste Liquid Disposal Room

The upper section of this room to your character's left will have 2 Green Herbs by the shutter on the east side on the Easy difficulty, while there will be only a single Green Herb on the Normal and Hard difficulty, but the Very Hard difficulty will have a Green Herb and Blue Herb here. An Iron Pipe will be near the door you came from on the Very Hard difficulty. Beware of the Leech on the upper section that is near the herbs placed there. Go down the flight of stairs and there might be an NPC here. Ignore the NPC and you'll need to climb down into the canal. Be careful of the Leech here. Down the canal, you'll find Handgun Rounds stashed on the right side of the canal on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty.

Once you reach the end of the canal, climb up the ledge, you'll find the Padlock Key near a corpse but do not recklessly approach the key as the corpse will come to life and attempt to grab you. You can actually position yourself to be able to grab the key without animating the zombie laying here. Once you got the Padlock Key, you can head back up and leave the room.


Waste Liquid Disposal Room
→ B1F South Passage

Ignore the zombies in the passage and head back towards the door on the other side.


B1F South Passage
→ B1F Passage

Ignore the zombie and go for the elevator and use it to go down to B2F.


B1F Passage
→ B2F Passage

Beware of the Leeches and zombie if playing on higher difficulties (if you defeated the Leech Man first) and enter through the door that required the Level 2 Card Key. If you have not defeated the Leech Man yet, you'll need to backtrack to that section of the guide that explains how to defeat it.


B2F Passage
→ Underpass Entrance

You'll find Handgun Rounds on top of the barrels straight ahead of you unless you're playing on the Very Hard difficulty. A Green Herb will be positioned in the corner near where the explosive canister is. The shelves will contain a First Aid Spray on the Easy and Normal difficulty. With the Padlock Key in inventory, approach the chains and use the Padlock Key on it to release the boat. Once you gain control of your character again after the cutscene resolves, if you examine the boat, a message will ask if you wish to use the boat. If any partners are not in the Underpass Entrance when you try to use the boat, another message will display asking if you still wish to use the boat. If you select yes to use the boat, a few cutscenes will trigger, one which triggers the appearance of the scenario boss.





SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 2800 Normal: 3700 Hard: 4300 Very Hard: 4300

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 4000 Normal: 5400 Hard: 6200 Very Hard: 6800


TENTACLE: Easy: 100 - 200 Normal: 250 - 350 Hard: 250 - 400 Very Hard: 300 - 450

ACID: Easy: 80 - 110 Normal: 160 - 200 Hard: 200 - 240 Very Hard: 200 - 320

ACID (Shore): Easy: 170 - 220 Normal: 320 - 390 Hard: 410 - 460 Very Hard: 490 - 600

TACKLE: Easy: 200 - 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650

HEADBUTT: Easy: 200 - 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650

RISING SNOUT: Easy: 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650

THE HIVE: Gallery



Damage modification: 320%

The damage modification will cause Shoulder Tackles to deal 42 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 10%

The damage modification will cause Foot Stomps to deal 44 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 120%

The damage modification will cause Kevin's Kick to deal 44 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 120 - 320%

The damage modification will cause George's tackle to deal 42 damage from uncharged tackles and 44 damage from fully charged tackles against Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Iron Pipe to deal 120 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Curved Iron Pipe to deal 110 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Bent Iron Pipe to deal 160 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Broken Crutch to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Scrub Brush to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Wooden Pole to deal 100 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Stick to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Spear to deal 240 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Folding Knife to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Butcher Knife to deal 110 damage to the Giant Leech.



NOTE: Requires a firearm to trigger

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Around a quarter of the way from the Giant Leeches' starting position.

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Sweep distance away from the first valve handle.

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DAMAGE: 2000

Half way down the canal, you'll approach a large pipe which will display a message as you get close.

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About a quarter mile away from shore.

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DAMAGE: Easy: 9000 Normal: 9000 Hard: 6000 Very Hard: 4000

At the shore, a canister is sitting on the ground in the corner.

THE HIVE: Guides


There are many ways to go about taking on the Giant Leech. Firearms are one of the safest options. But characters will have to deal with Acid Shots and possibly its Tentacle attack if characters back off to reload. If opting to go the firearms route, the Sub Machine Gun (only available on the Easy and Normal difficulties) and Burst Handgun are the best weapons to use against it. The faster rate of fire makes it very difficult for the leech to start an offense and whenever the Giant Leech takes 3 hits from any firearms, it undergoes a stun in which it’ll go underwater for a brief moment then reemerge again (the Giant Leech will have complete invincibility during this stun so do not attack it until it exposes itself from underwater). Kevin’s 45. Automatic will decimate the Giant Leech especially if using rolling Potshots.

If using Handguns, you’ll have to constantly take shots at it and back away to reload, keeping in mind to be far enough away so it won’t use its Tentacle attack. On Harder difficulties, the scenario will provide lesser ammunition so this may not be a viable choice. However, the environmental hazards which appear in the canal will greatly assist with firearm strategies.

If firearms are no longer an option or ammo is too low, the melee approach is an option. Since the Giant Leech takes greater damage from melee weapons and unarmed attacks, then the strategy is to lure the Giant Leech back to shore. Then you can all-out attack the leech while it’ll be unable to reach your characters at all unless you position in front of it. Characters like George, Yoko, and Cindy can safely knife the creature to death with the Butcher Knife. David can also knife the creature before it reaches the shore but he has to position more carefully and also be ready to space away when the leech attempts Rising Snouts and Headbutts as well as sudden random critical hits which could reset the leeches’ pattern. Unarmed attacks can pretty much prevent the leech from doing anything as well, but enough unarmed attacks can reset the Giant Leech's AI, so be careful of this.

If you successfully lure the Giant Leech to shore, it basically becomes docile and cannot harm you anymore. On shore you can go completely Rambo on it with melee weapons. Unarmed attack will force you to get back into the water and attack it. Beware using this method, as it can throw out sudden Rising Snouts even when it cannot move. The unarmed strategy is an option for those attempting a “No Weapons Clear” bonus. Be warned, in Network Play Mode, the shore section will be polluted with Leeches that will attempt to damage you as you attack the Giant Leech. While the damage ticks aren’t really threatening, their attacks will significantly sky-rocket your virus gauge. If you spill a Blood Pack here before the fight starts, the Leeches will be completely occupied for the entire fight. Fortunately, in Single Play Mode, no Leeches spawn at the shore section of the sewer but they will be in the water so be careful.

Like the previous boss, this fight throws you a bone as well. Though, unlike the previous fight, it didn’t require a weapon as the game allowed you to access the control panel to use the train to damage G-Mutant at no cost other than time. This time, to access the environmental hazards laid about the canal here, it requires a firearm. Therefore, players attempting a “No Weapons Clear” bonus will be out of luck for this battle. There are 5 environmental hazards in the sewer; 3 values that are on the ceiling (2 of them are near where the Giant Leech spawns and the last one is further back in the canal past the bridge), an explosive pipe that is located halfway down the canal, and finally the explosive canister which is located back on the shore near where the boat was parked. The valve requires characters to aim upward and shoot to trigger them. They’ll release a stream of steaming water which will deal 900 damage to the Giant Leech but will deal around 400 damage and light stun to characters who are caught by the steam. The explosive pipe which is at the bridge section of the canal will deal 2000 damage to anything caught in the blast (a message display will alert you about the pipe when you get close to it). The explosive canister back on shore is the most damaging hazard. On the Easy and Normal difficulty, it’ll inflict 9000 damage on anything caught in the blast, 6000 on the Hard difficulty, and 4000 on the Very Hard difficulty. The canister itself can pretty much kill the Giant Leech even at full health unless playing on harder difficulties and during Network Play Mode. The hazards alone can finish off the Giant Leech by themselves but on Network Play Mode where the Giant Leech has more vitality points, it will require characters to deal some damage to the leech to ensure the hazards can finish off the monster.

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