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While avoiding the blasts of flame, we proceeded through the smoke-encased hotel. We now knew the true meaning of "Hell."



NOTE: The AIPC partner that requires the left trigger on the control stick will take the Silver Relief Key route while the other AIPC requiring the up trigger on the control stick will take the Gold Relief Key route. 

Offline AIPC Chart HF.png

Apple Inn 1F (EASY)

HF Map 1F Easy.png

Apple Inn 1F (NORMAL)

HF Map 1F Normal.png

Apple Inn 1F (HARD)

HF Map 1F Hard.png

Apple Inn 1F (VERY HARD)

HF Map 1F Very Hard.png

Apple Inn 2F (EASY)

HF Map 2F Easy.png

Apple Inn 2F (NORMAL)

HF Map 2F Normal.png

Apple Inn 2F (HARD)

HF Map 1F Hard.png

Apple Inn 2F (VERY HARD)

HF Map 2F Very Hard.png

Apple Inn 3F (EASY)

HF Map 3F Easy.png

Apple Inn 3F (NORMAL)

HF Map 3F Normal.png

Apple Inn 3F (HARD)

HF Map 3F Hard.png

Apple Inn 3F (VERY HARD)

HF Map 3F Very Hard.png
HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery


While playing on the Hard and Very Hard difficulties, certain rooms will be inaccessible for the entire scenario. If you spot smoke underneath the door, do NOT open it. Opening a door with a back draft in it will severely damage your character. Room 201 will be inaccessible on the Hard difficulty, while the Store Room and Room 301 will be inaccessible on the Very Hard difficulty. 


Apple Inn Square

A Map of the entire hotel will be on the stone tablet in front of you as soon as you start. Further down east of this yard you’ll notice a corpse pinning a door shut. You can’t access the door yet but there will be a Green Herb next to it if playing on the Easy and Normal difficulties. An Iron Pipe will be laying on the ground next to the stone tablet on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty. There isn’t much to do here but go through the door which has been blown open.


Apple Inn Square
→ Boiler Room

Near the support beam close to one of the dead firefighters you’ll find a Shotgun here if playing on the Easy difficulty, with an Iron Pipe being here on the Normal difficulty, or a Handgun if playing on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty. Approach the firefighter’s body and examine it to trigger a cutscene. The radio call will tell your character where they need to go. Once you regain control of your character, Charlie’s ID Tag will appear next to his corpse. If you decide to climb the ladder, you’ll find Len’s ID Tag next to his body as well.

These Tags serve no purpose during the scenario but they trigger an additional cutscene at the end. Completing the scenario with any of the tags are worth 50 points each and you receive another 50 points for completing the scenario with both tags in tow. Lugging one or even both tags can make item management difficult so it is best to stash them in the Security Room until you gain access to the Apple Inn Front Lobby. If playing with AIPC partners, you can give them to Yoko to hold as she will not trade the tags for other items as the tags are considered key items so she’ll hold onto them until you request them from her. If you’re not interested in the extra points, the tags can be avoided as they do not impact the scenario in anyway.



Somewhat similar to the The Hive scenario, you have two routes you can take. Which route you take will determine the key you need to acquire. If playing with AIPC partners in Single Play Mode, one AIPC partner will accompany you while the other will explore on their own to possibly obtain the other key. Bear in mind that the AIPC that does not accompany you will be susceptible to the HP Decay System in which their HP will continue to decay the longer you’re separated from them. If you take too long, the character can end up dying and will not obtain the key for you, and you’ll have to obtain it yourself. The well-being of the AIPC partner that follows you does not affect the other partner. Once you make it to the Security Room, your separated partner (if still alive), will also show up with the other key in tow.

Players taking the Silver Relief Key route will have an easier time getting to the Security Room as there are not many rooms the player needs to enter to gain access. The Gold Relief Key route however is much longer. Depending on your luck with the European Puzzle can put your partner at risk of losing a lot of vitality points before you reunite with them.

Overall, there is no right or wrong route to take, but if you’re looking to complete the scenario as fast as possible, taking the route to the Gold Relief Key would be the fastest route as this will lead you to the Silver Relief Key. Eventually, you will have to do both routes to achieve all the scenario events. Both routes will be covered in this guide but if you’re trying to cover a specific key or route, you will need to skip a few sections until you find the area, you're in.




Boiler Room

If taking the route to the Silver Relief Key, climb up the ladder until you reach the top. Len’s ID Tag will be near his body. Proceed to the door up ahead.


Boiler Room
→ Apple Inn Square

To your character’s right if you go south of the corridor, you’ll reach a dead end due to the fire but you’ll find a Handgun laying on the floor if playing on the Easy and Normal difficulties. Instead on the Hard and Very Hard difficulties, you find a Bent Iron Pipe. A zombie will be on the north side of the passage and will chase the moment you enter the corridor. Tackle or dodge past it and proceed to the door all the way at the end.

WARNING: Do not kill this zombie as it’ll spawn at the other side of this area and potentially make crossing the other side of the Apple Inn Square more difficult.


Apple Inn Square
→ Northwest Passage 3

Unless you’re playing on the Easy difficulty, take the Handgun you obtained from either the Boiler Room or Apple Inn Square and aim immediately and open fire. The shot will hit a crow that is parked straight ahead. The path in front of you is blocked off so you’ll need to head to the left side from the door you just entered from. Stand clear of the pool of fire on the floor as it’ll release a burst of fire that can damage you moderately. On the Easy and Normal difficulty, you’ll notice a Blue Herb hiding in the corner here. There is a door leading to a room here. If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, DO NOT open this door, it seals a back draft and opening it will cause you to take massive damage. These rooms are inaccessible for the entire scenario so ignore them.

Climb up the ledge and to the metal walkway. In a corner here you’ll find a Green Herb on all difficulties except on the Very Hard difficulty, where there will be a Blue Herb instead. A crow will be sitting by the ledge you need to walk on. Be sure to kill it first otherwise the crows can potentially instant kill you by knocking you off the ledge. With the crows dealt with, shimmy across the ledge. No need to be concerned with the zombie banging on the window, even if she breaks through, she cannot knock your character off the ledge or kill you. On the next section of the ledge another window will have flames bursting from it. While it is possible to cross through without being hit by the flames, you can press L1 or R1 and have your character hang onto the edge and shimmy without risk of being hit. If the crows are still alive this can be very risky but the flames can also kill the crows as well. In Network Play Mode, the flames burst from the window too fast to pass safely without hanging onto the ledge.

Once you reach the metal walkway, take the ladder down and use the door below.


Northwest Passage 3
→ Room 301

If you decided to use the door before proceeding down the walkway, there is nothing special in this room other than if you’re hunting Special Items or looking for items. An Iron Pipe will be inside the bathroom on the Easy and Hard difficulty. You’ll find a Red Herb on top of a drawer between the two beds here. A zombie will be in this room and its location in this room changes based on difficulty.


Northwest Passage 3
→ Northwest Passage 2

You’ll notice a zombie straight ahead on your character’s right upon entering the corridor. If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, you’ll be ambushed by that zombie and another that hides off screen near the twin doors. The twin doors are electronically locked and require a card key. Head down the corridor where the zombie is and there is a door here which leads to the Store Room. On the Very Hard difficulty, this room contains a back draft so you can’t access this room at all. A door straight ahead leads to the Corridor. If you’re playing to unlock the Security Room you’ll need to enter if you’re trying to keep your AIPC partner that didn’t accompany you alive long enough to get the Gold Relief Key. If you’re playing solo, you can ignore this to save time and make a right in the corridor and access the door closest to you to the Owner’s Room. The room at the end of the hallways leads to Room 201 which is sealed by a back draft if playing on the Hard difficulty.


Northwest Passage 2
→ Corridor

A Green Herb will be near the ledge or the burnt section of the hallway on the Easy difficulty while you’ll get a Blue Herb instead on the Hard difficulty. Proceed down the corridor but be careful as a zombie will greet you straight ahead. Avoid killing this zombie as it’ll spawn down the 1F section of the corridor and will become a nuisance later on. Continue on until you reach a dead end with a door close by.


→ Boiler Management Office

A Green Herb will be stationed on the small table here on the Easy difficulty. You’ll also find Shotgun Rounds stashed on the shelves near the two doors on all difficulties. Use the door near the shelves.


Boiler Management Office
→ Boiler Room

As soon as you enter the room, you’ll notice a First Aid Spray on the Easy difficulty or a Green Herb on the Normal difficulty in the corner near the door you used. Approach the corpse hanging from the rails and you’ll find a Security Room Card Key near the body. Once you obtain the card key, leave the room.


Boiler Room
→ Boiler Management Office

Use the other door. If you didn’t grab the items here, then do so now as you won’t be returning here.


Boiler Management Office
→ Corridor

Ignore the zombie on the way back to the door where the fire separates the hall into two sections.



→ Northwest Passage 2 (Optional)

Head back to where the twin doors are and use the Card Key on the card key reader. If you’re playing with AIPC partners, you’ll need to enter the Security Room so that the AIPC partner that didn’t accompany you will also enter the room as well with the Gold Relief Key in tow.


Northwest Passage 2
→ Store Room

A Battery will be next to you on the floor by the door you entered from. The opposite side of the door contains Handgun Rounds near the pile of trash. The shelf here contains a Janitor’s Daily Report file. Near the shelves and next to the lockers you’ll find 45. Auto Rounds. The locker closest to the 45. Auto Rounds will contain Green Herb on the Easy difficulty, a Blue Herb on the Normal difficulty, and a Red Herb on the Hard difficulty. The other locker requires Alyssa’s Picking Tools to open. You’ll find a First Aid Spray on the Easy difficulty, and a Green Herb on the Normal and Hard difficulties.



Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the Locker. ​

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: -

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Northwest Passage 2
→ Room 201

If playing on the Normal or Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be straight ahead of you. On the Easy difficulty, the zombie will be inside the bathroom. The door leading to the bathroom is locked and requires several attacks to force open or the correct picking tool from Alyssa’s Picking Tools. You’ll find a First Aid Spray inside the bathroom on the Easy and Normal difficulty, but you’ll get a Green Herb instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Further down the room will be an open wall safe which contains an Anti-Virus Pill and a Green Herb will be on a drawer between the two beds. Otherwise there is nothing else needed in this room.

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Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


Room is inaccessible on this difficulty due to being sealed off by a back draft.


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-32-02-504.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: -

  • Very Hard: W


Northwest Passage 2
→ Owner’s Room

The shelves near the door you entered from will have a Red Herb on top on the Easy, Hard, and Very Hard difficulty, while there will be Handgun Rounds here instead on the Normal difficulty. Approach the giant crate up ahead and move towards it to push it into the hole on the floor. This will allow you access to the 1F section of the room. Down here you’ll find a Guest List Copy file on a cabinet on the east section. This file contains a guest list with the initials of the guests which will be needed later. You’ll find a Concrete Piece laying on the floor here near the table you climbed down from. On the Easy difficulty, there will be a Blue Herb on the ground on the northern section of the room. Carefully approach the door as fire will flare up in between the door and could damage you as you go to open it.


Owner’s Room
→ Northwest Passage 1

If you examine the wooden bench directly in front of you, you’ll find a Shotgun under it on the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties, while a Butcher’s Knife will be here instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Depending on the difficulty, you’ll have to deal with 1 or 2 Lickers here. They’ll both be on the ceiling making them easy to get past. Be careful not to be directly underneath them as they’ll attempt to grab you. Head towards the door by the window.


Northwest Passage 1
→ Room 101

If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be here to greet you. Unless you’re lucky and can enter the correct safe combination fast enough you’ll need to kill it in order to access the safe safely. On the bed you’ll find a Hotel Charge Breakdown file which will detail the fees of the customer but will most importantly have the name of the person who was charged. You need to use the name with this file and combine it with the Guest List Copy file in order to get the code. Once solved, the safe will be unlocked and contain the Silver Relief Key. Between the two beds, you’ll find a First Aid Spray on the drawer on the Easy and Normal difficulties, while there will be a Green Herb here instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Inside the bathroom you’ll find an NPC sitting here that will warn you about the Lickers if you interact with him. A Blue Herb will be sitting on the floor here on all difficulties, except the Hard difficulty.

HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery

Examine the Guest List Copy and Hotel Charge Breakdown files to get the safe code. The safe code will be one of four possible solutions. This code is randomized even on the very first game so you cannot cheat and know the code ahead of time (unless you're using a Tracker for the Emulator).

Event 1 E.png


Safe combination solutions.

  • DCH (0721)*

  • JIA (2287)*

  • BAE (6354)*

  • GGF (5128)*

*: The numbers next to the combination solutions are tied to the pass code to the Security Room. If the pass code was 5128 for example, then the safe solution will always be GGF. This also applies if you enter the safe solution first and need to input the code for the Security Office from the Corridor.


Room 101
→ Northwest Passage 1

Avoid the Licker(s) here and proceed to the door that is further down as the hallway curves to the left. Use the Silver Relief Key on it and exit out.


Northwest Passage 1

→ Corridor

Straight ahead of you, if you head towards the dead end of the corridor, you’ll find a Handgun stashed here on the floor if playing on the Easy or Normal difficulty, but a Green Herb here on the Hard difficulty. A Concrete Piece will be laying on the floor near the burnt rubble. A zombie will be just ahead near the wall where fire will burst out from. With clever maneuvering, you can bait and position the zombie to get caught by the fire, engulfing it in flames and killing it. Something to consider as if this zombie dies, it’ll respawn completely out of the way on the 2F section of the corridor. Proceed down the corridor ignoring the doors on the 1F section but be careful as another zombie will be here and sometimes out of view so caution is advised. Ignore this zombie unless playing in Network Play Mode, as killing it will cause it to spawn again on the 1F, but during online play, it’ll spawn out of reach at the 2F section of the corridor that is destroyed. Climb up the stairs and halfway up, you’ll notice 45. Auto Rounds stashed here on the floor. Once you reach the 2F section, head down the hallway but be careful of the zombie that is here. Use the door that is on the right at the very end.

pcsx2 2019-09-04 00-38-54-196.png


Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1: 

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-14-14-637.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S


Northwest Passage 1

→ Corridor

Straight ahead of you, if you head towards the dead end of the corridor, you’ll find a Handgun stashed here on the floor if playing on the Easy or Normal difficulty, but a Green Herb here on the Hard difficulty. A Concrete Piece will be laying on the floor near the burnt rubble. A zombie will be just ahead near the wall where fire will burst out from. With clever maneuvering, you can bait and position the zombie to get caught by the fire, engulfing it in flames and killing it. Something to consider as if this zombie dies, it’ll respawn completely out of the way on the 2F section of the corridor. Proceed down the corridor ignoring the doors on the 1F section but be careful as another zombie will be here and sometimes out of view so caution is advised. Ignore this zombie unless playing in Network Play Mode, as killing it will cause it to spawn again on the 1F, but during online play, it’ll spawn out of reach at the 2F section of the corridor that is destroyed. Climb up the stairs and halfway up, you’ll notice 45. Auto Rounds stashed here on the floor. Once you reach the 2F section, head down the hallway but be careful of the zombie that is here. Use the door that is on the right at the very end.


→ Lounge Stairs

If you missed the Map and want the Shotgun Rounds, proceed down the stairwell but be careful of the flames that come out of the wall here. Once you reach the 1F section there is a crawling zombie here that will hassle you. Ignore or kill it (it won’t respawn if killed). The door here is locked and requires several attacks or the use of Alyssa’s Picking Tools to open. A Concrete Piece will be on the floor. Approach the rubble and you will see a gap you can crawl down. On the other side, there will be a map on the wall if you missed it from the Apple Inn Square. Shotgun Rounds are on the ground by the south west corner but be careful as fire will burst from the wall here to damage you if you attempt to grab them.

Backtrack to the stairwell and continue to go up until you reach the 3F section and use the door here.

pcsx2 2019-09-04 00-48-54-347.png


Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1: 

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-30-18-329.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S


Lounge Stairs
→ Apple Inn Square

A zombie will most likely be in position to attack as soon as you enter (if the zombie that was positioned on the other side of this area has died, it’ll also be here as well). Ignore it and use the door that is closest from the one you entered from.


Apple Inn Square
→ Linen Room

Right in front of you, you’ll find the Guard’s Notebook file on the cart which will give you the code needed for the door on the 2F section of the corridor. You’ll find the Janitor’s Repair Memo file on a shelf further down near a Blue Herb on all difficulties except the Very Hard difficulty, in which a Green Herb will be here instead. Once you have what you need, leave the room.


Linen Room
→ Apple Inn Square

Ignore the zombie(s) and use the door that is near the pool of fire.


Apple Inn Square
→ 30*

If playing on the Easy or Very Hard difficulty, you’ll be greeted with a zombie as soon as you enter. You’ll find Shotgun Rounds placed on the table here on all difficulties, except the Hard difficulty. A Green Herb will be on a cabinet near where the zombie will be standing. You’ll notice the wall here has a crack and it can be attacked in order to break open. Once a hole has been created, crawl down, which will allow you to access the other room. Watch out for the zombie that is stationed here. You’ll find a Concrete Piece on the floor near the bed here on all difficulties, except the Normal difficulty. If you examine the dead NPC, you’ll find an Anti-Virus Pill (L) near her body. By the window, you’ll find the Grenade Launcher which is loaded with Acid Rounds on all difficulties, except the Very Hard difficulty, where it’ll be a Shotgun instead. Approach the door to unlock it and exit.

pcsx2 2019-09-04 00-52-32-192.png


Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to destroy the wall by force.

EASY: 1250

  • 100: 13

  • 250: 5

  • 450: 3

  • 500: 3

  • 625: 2

  • 1250: 1

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

NORMAL: 2000

  • 100: 20

  • 250: 8

  • 450: 5

  • 500: 4

  • 625: 4

  • 1250: 2

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 2500

  • 100: 25

  • 250: 10

  • 450: 6

  • 500: 5

  • 625: 4

  • 1250: 2

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 28

  • 250: 11

  • 450: 7

  • 500: 6

  • 625: 5

  • 1250: 3

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


→ Apple Inn Square

Approach the door close to the one you used and unlock it with the Silver Relief Key and enter.


Apple Inn Square
→ Room 306

If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will animate and attack. If you approach the small decorative tree straight ahead, you’ll find the Red Jewel here. You can trade out the Silver Relief Key for the jewel as the key is useless now. You’ll find Shotgun Rounds on a small table across from the bed. Inside the bathroom, there will be Acid Round rounds on the floor here on the Easy difficulty, while there will be a Red Herb here instead on the Hard difficulty.


Room 306
→ Apple Inn Square

Watch out for the Licker that is stationed in this section of the square.  At the end of the hallway which is covered in fire, is an Iron Pipe on the floor if playing on the Easy or Very Hard difficulty, but it’ll be a Curved Iron Pipe here on the Hard difficulty. Head down the stairwell.


Apple Inn Square
→ Corridor

After climbing to the 2F section of the corridor, continue down the hall past the zombie here until you reach a dead end near the destroyed section of the corridor and a door here. Approach the number pad by the door and enter the code that was in the Guard’s Notebook file. Once the code has been entered, the door will unlock.

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List below are all the possible pass code solutions without getting the Guard's Notebook file in the Linen Room.

  • 0721 (DCH*)

  • 2287 (JIA*)

  • 6354 (BAE*)

  • 5128 (GGF*)

*: The solutions next to the pass code are linked to the safe combination solution for the Silver Relief Key in Room 101. 


→ Security Room

You’ll notice a lot of items stashed in this room. There’s a Typewriter here if you need to save. The Emergency Manual file can be found here near the trash can. You can use this room to stash recovery items, ammo, and weapons for the upcoming boss battle and save or open up inventory slots. Head towards the eastern section of the room and push the large shelve near the bust. Once fully pushed, you’ll hear a clicking-like sound. Approach the bust and use the Red Jewel on it to open the sealed door. If you didn’t complete the Gold Relief Key section, then don’t bother entering through the door just yet as you’ll need to apply emergency power to the hotel first. If you have, then proceed through the door.



This section will cover from after you triggered the cutscene back in the Boiler Room.


Boiler Room

Instead of taking the ladder up to the 3F, return back to the door you used to enter the room.


Boiler Room
→ Apple Inn Square

Head towards the door that was pinned by a zombie. Avoid killing it as it’ll spawn at the pathway you need to take.


Apple Inn Square
→ Corridor

To your character’s left as soon as you enter the corridor, there is a Handgun on the floor here on the Easy and Normal difficulties, but a Green Herb will be here instead on the Hard difficulty. Continue down the corridor until you come across a section that has been burnt down. A Concrete Piece can be found on the ground here on all difficulties except for the Very Hard difficulty. You’ll also notice fire that bursts from the wall here and a zombie as well. It is possible to get the zombie to be caught by the fire having it kill the zombies. Something to consider as it’ll respawn on the 2F section of the corridor but will be completely out of the way and won’t be a nuisance (in Network Play Mode, this zombie will respawn on the 1F section from the door leading to Room 103). Continue down the corridor but be careful of the zombie that might hide off screen as the hallway curves to the right (in Network Play Mode, killing this zombie will have it spawn on the other side of the destroyed section of the corridor on 2F). Head up the stairwell and at the halfway section on the floor are 45. Auto Rounds on all difficulties except the Very Hard difficulty. As soon as you climb up the second set of stairs head to the right and enter the very first door you see.

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Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1: 

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Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S


→ Room 204

Across from the door on a shelf there is a Guest Memo 3 file here. Hiding off screen, on the right-side of the bed you’ll find an Iron Pipe on the floor here on the Easy difficulty, but a Shotgun will be here on the Normal difficulty. Inside the bathroom, you’ll find a Red Herb sitting on top of the toilet on all difficulties. The most important thing here is the giant map picture on the wall. You’ll notice how some panels are lit and some are not. To solve this puzzle, you need to examine the numbers of the panels that are not lit and go to the correct rooms and activate the switches tied to those panels to light them up. With all panels lit, the locking mechanism on the statue near the bed will unlock, revealing the Gold Relief Key.

The game will randomize which panels will be lit (if Hellfire is your very first scenario being played, No.1 and No. 4 will always be required to be lit). So, you’ll need to visit this room beforehand to know exactly which rooms need to be visited (unless you’re using the cheating-version Tracker). Sometimes the map puzzle will automatically be done and you can just take the Gold Relief Key. This guide will cover all rooms just in case all 4 panels need to be lit. If you’re looking for specific rooms, read down until you reach the section for the room you need to visit.



HF Map Puzzle Rooms.png
HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery

Room 204
→ Corridor

Back at the corridor, if No. 1, 2, and or 3 need to be lit, you’ll need to head back to the 1F section of the corridor. The three doors here are rooms tied to the puzzle. If you need to light up No. 4, this room is located on the 2F section of the corridor. It is further down past the fire engulfed room and near a zombie residing here.


→ Room 102

As soon as you enter the room, the wall painting for panel No. 1 will be here near the bed. Approach it, and activate the switch. There is a Guest Memo 1 file on the desk here. On the Very Hard difficulty, there is a zombie here. Avoid attacking it, if you’re lucky, you can quietly approach the painting and activate the switch, otherwise you’ll be forced to either kill it or heavily stun it, giving you enough time to quickly activate the switch. The door leading into the bathroom is locked and requires you to attack it to open. Alyssa can easily unlock it with her Picking Tools. Inside you’ll find Acid Rounds on the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties. You’ll find Shotgun Rounds here instead on the Very Hard difficulty. 

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  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-14-53-825.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: W


→ Room 103

As soon as you enter the room, there will be Handgun Rounds on the round table next to you on the Easy and Normal difficulty, while there will be a Green Herb here instead on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty. Inside the bathroom on the floor is a Green Herb on the Easy and Normal difficulty, Handgun Rounds on the Hard difficulty, or a Blue Herb on the Very Hard difficulty. The painting for panel No. 2 will be by the desk here. If panel No. 2 needs to be lit, activate the switch here.


→ Room 104

As soon as you enter the room, a zombie will chase. Either kill it or heavy stun it. The painting for panel No. 3 is next to the door you entered from. The Guest Memo 2 file is located on the desk. A Green Herb will be on top of a cabinet near the bed. You’ll find Handgun Rounds on the floor on the right-side of the bed. The bathroom has an Iron Pipe here on all difficulties, except the Very Hard difficulty.


→ Room 202

The painting to panel No. 4 is located on the wall, left of your character upon entering the room. On the corner of the bed is a Butcher Knife. A zombie will be in this room on the Hard and Very Hard difficulties. On the Hard difficulty, the zombie will be inside the locked bathroom which requires attacks or Alyssa’s Picking Tools to access. On the Very Hard difficulty, the zombie will be near the bed and will make it difficult to activate the painting’s switch. The bathroom hides an Anti-Virus Pill on all difficulties.

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Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-17-05-028.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: W

  • Normal: W

  • Hard: I

  • Very Hard: I

→ Room 204

With all the panels lit on the map puzzle. Approach the statue and open it to obtain the Gold Relief Key and then leave the room.


Room 204
→ Corridor

Head further down the 2F section of the corridor and use the door down the end of the corridor on the right. Unless you know the possible pass code solutions through repeated play throughs or are using the cheating-version of the Tracker, you can’t access the door near the destroyed section of the hall yet.


→ Lounge stairs

If you missed the Map and want the Shotgun Rounds, proceed down the stairwell but be careful of the flames that come out of the wall here. Once you reach the 1F section there is a crawling zombie here that will hassle you. Ignore or kill it (it won’t respawn if killed). The door here is locked and requires several attacks or the use of Alyssa’s Picking Tools to open. A Concrete Piece will be on the floor. Approach the rubble and you will see a gap you can crawl down. On the other side, there will be a map on the wall if you missed it from the Apple Inn Square. Shotgun Rounds are on the ground by the southwest corner but be careful as fire will burst from the wall here to damage you if you attempt to grab them.

Backtrack to the stairwell and continue to go up until you reach the 3F section and use the door here.

pcsx2 2019-09-04 00-48-54-347.png


Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 6250

  • 100: 63

  • 250: 25

  • 450: 14

  • 500: 13

  • 625: 10

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1: 

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-30-18-329.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: I

  • Normal: I

  • Hard: P

  • Very Hard: S


Lounge Stairs
→ Apple Inn Square

A zombie will most likely be in position to attack as soon as you enter (if the zombie that was positioned on the other side of this area has died, it’ll also be here as well). Ignore it and use the door that is closest from the one you entered from.


Apple Inn Square
→ Linen Room

Right in front of you, you’ll find the Guard’s Notebook file on the cart which will give you the code needed for the door on the 2F section of the corridor. You’ll find the Janitor’s Repair Memo file on a shelf further down near a Blue Herb on all difficulties except the Very Hard difficulty, in which a Green Herb will be here instead. Once you have what you need, leave the room.


Linen Room
→ Apple Inn Square

Ignore the zombie(s) and use the door that is near the pool of fire.


Apple Inn Square
→ 30*

If playing on the Easy or Very Hard difficulty, you’ll be greeted with a zombie as soon as you enter. You’ll find Shotgun Rounds placed on the table here on all difficulties, except the Hard difficulty. A Green Herb will be on a cabinet near where the zombie will be standing. You’ll notice the wall here has a crack and it can be attacked in order to break open. Once a hole has been created, crawl down, which will allow you to access the other room. Watch out for the zombie that is stationed here. You’ll find a Concrete Piece on the floor near the bed here on all difficulties, except the Normal difficulty. If you examine the dead NPC, you’ll find an Anti-Virus Pill (L) near her body. By the window, you’ll find the Grenade Launcher which is loaded with Acid Rounds on all difficulties, except the Very Hard difficulty, in which it’ll be a Shotgun instead. Approach the door to unlock it and exit.

pcsx2 2019-09-04 00-52-32-192.png


Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to destroy the wall by force.

EASY: 1250

  • 100: 13

  • 250: 5

  • 450: 3

  • 500: 3

  • 625: 2

  • 1250: 1

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

NORMAL: 2000

  • 100: 20

  • 250: 8

  • 450: 5

  • 500: 4

  • 625: 4

  • 1250: 2

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1

HARD: 2500

  • 100: 25

  • 250: 10

  • 450: 6

  • 500: 5

  • 625: 4

  • 1250: 2

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


  • 100: 28

  • 250: 11

  • 450: 7

  • 500: 6

  • 625: 5

  • 1250: 3

  • 3000: 1

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


→ Apple Inn Square

The door that is next to the one you exited from requires the Silver Relief Key, so ignore it for now. A Licker will be wandering around this section of the corridor. At the end of the hallway which is covered in fire, is an Iron Pipe on the floor if playing on the Easy or Very Hard difficulty, but it’ll be a Curved Iron Pipe here on the Hard difficulty. Head down the stairwell.


Apple Inn Square
→ Corridor

Head to the destroyed section of the corridor on the 2F and approach the number pad and input the correct solution from the Guard’s Notebook file.

pcsx2 2020-03-23 11-36-28-490.png


List below are all the possible pass code solutions without getting the Guard's Notebook file in the Linen Room.

  • 0721 (DCH*)

  • 2287 (JIA*)

  • 6354 (BAE*)

  • 5128 (GGF*)

*: The solutions next to the pass code are linked to the safe combination solution for the Silver Relief Key in Room 101. 


→ Security Room

If you have AIPC partners, upon entering this room for the first time, the AI partner that didn’t accompany you (granted if they’re still alive) will have the Silver Relief Key in his or her possession. You’ll notice a lot of items stashed around the room. If you need to save, there is a Typewriter near the door you entered from. The Emergency Manual file can be found here near the trash can close to the trash can. You can use this room to stash recovery items, ammo, and weapons for the upcoming boss battle and save or open up inventory slots. Head towards the eastern section of the room and push the large shelve near the bust. Once fully pushed, you’ll hear a clicking-like sound. You cannot access this door or do anything with the bust yet. Proceed to the twin doors and exit.


Security Room
→ Northwest Passage 2

If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, you’ll be greeted with a zombie right in front of you as soon as you enter. Another zombie will be further down who might also aggro as well. Get around the zombies. The door on the left leads to the Store Room which has items and a file. However, on the Very Hard difficulty, it is sealed by a back draft (smoke is seeping from the bottom of the door), and opening a back-draft room which inflicts massive damage to your character. These rooms are permanently sealed and cannot be accessed. The door further down leads to the other side of the Corridor that was inaccessible. With the Security Room unlocked from this section, you don’t have any reason to use this door. On the ground in a corner, across the door leading to the Owner’s Room, you’ll find a First Aid Spray on the ground on the Easy and Very Hard difficulties, but a Green Herb on the Hard difficulty. The room at the very end near the window leads to Room 201. If you want to continue onward with the scenario without getting extra items, use the door on the right side.


Northwest Passage 2
→ Store Room

A Battery will be next to you on the floor by the door you entered from. The opposite side of the door contains Handgun Rounds near the pile of trash. The shelf here contains a Janitor’s Daily Report file. Near the shelves and next to the lockers you’ll find 45. Auto Rounds. The locker closest to the 45. Auto Rounds will contain Green Herb on the Easy difficulty, a Blue Herb on the Normal difficulty, and a Red Herb on the Hard difficulty. The other locker requires Alyssa’s Picking Tools to open. You’ll find a First Aid Spray on the Easy difficulty, and a Green Herb on the Normal and Hard difficulties.



Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the Locker. ​

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: W

  • Very Hard: -

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-22-47-087.png

Northwest Passage 2
→ Room 201 (Optional)

If playing on the Normal or Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be straight ahead of you. On the Easy difficulty, the zombie will be inside the bathroom. The door leading to the bathroom is locked and requires several attacks to force open or the correct picking tool from Alyssa’s Picking Tools. You’ll find a First Aid Spray inside the bathroom on the Easy and Normal difficulty, but you’ll get a Green Herb instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Further down the room will be an open wall safe which contains an Anti-Virus Pill and a Green Herb will be on a drawer between the two beds. Otherwise there is nothing else needed in this room.

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Refer to the WEAPONS category to understand what these values means. The number of attacks required to open the door by force.


  • 100: 53

  • 250: 21

  • 450: 12

  • 500: 11

  • 625: 9

  • 1250: 5

  • 3000: 2

  • 6000: 1

  • ∞: 1


Room is inaccessible on this difficulty due to being sealed off by a back draft.


  • 100: 73

  • 250: 29

  • 450: 17

  • 500: 15

  • 625: 12

  • 1250: 6

  • 3000: 3

  • 6000: 2

  • ∞: 1

pcsx2 2019-06-24 19-32-02-504.png


Use Alyssa's Picking Tools to unlock the door without attacks. ​

  • Easy: S

  • Normal: S

  • Hard: -

  • Very Hard: W


Northwest Passage 2
→ Owner’s Room

The shelves near the door you entered from will have a Red Herb on top on the Easy, Hard, and Very Hard difficulty, while there will be Handgun Rounds here instead on the Normal difficulty. Approach the giant crate up ahead and move towards it to push it into the hole on the floor. This will allow you access to the 1F section of the room. Down here you’ll find a Guest List Copy file on a cabinet on the east section. This file contains a guest list with the initials of the guest which will be needed later. You’ll find a Concrete Piece laying on the floor here near the table you climbed down from. On the Easy difficulty, there will be a Blue Herb on the ground on the northern section of the room. Carefully approach the door as fire will flare up in between the door and could damage you as you open it.


Owner’s Room
→ Northwest Passage 1

If you examine the wooden bench directly in front of you, you’ll find a Shotgun under it on the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties, while a Butcher’s Knife will be here instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Depending on the difficulty, you’ll have to deal with 1 or 2 Lickers here. They’ll both be on the ceiling making them easy to get past. Be careful not to be directly underneath them as they’ll attempt to grab you. Head towards the door by the window.


Northwest Passage 1
→ Room 101

If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will be here to greet you. Unless you’re lucky and can enter the correct safe combination fast enough you’ll need to kill it in order to access the safe safely. On the bed you’ll find a Hotel Charge Breakdown file which will detail the fees of the customer but will most importantly have the name of the person who was charged. You need to use the name with this file and combine it with the Guest List Copy file in order to get the code. Once solved, the safe will be unlocked and contain the Silver Relief Key. Between the two beds, you’ll find a First Aid Spray on the drawer on the Easy and Normal difficulties, while there will be a Green Herb here instead on the Very Hard difficulty. Inside the bathroom you’ll find an NPC sitting here that will warn you about the Lickers if you interact with him. A Blue Herb will be sitting on the floor here on all difficulties, except the Hard difficulty.

HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery

Examine the Guest List Copy and Hotel Charge Breakdown files to get the safe code. The safe code will be one of four possible solutions. This code is randomized even on the very first game so you cannot cheat and know the code ahead of time (unless you're using a Tracker for the Emulator).

Event 1 E.png


Safe combination solutions.

  • DCH (0721)*

  • JIA (2287)*

  • BAE (6354)*

  • GGF (5128)*

*: The numbers next to the combination solutions are tied to the pass code to the Security Room. If the pass code was 5128 for example, then the safe solution will always be GGF. This also applies if you enter the safe solution first and need to input the code for the Security Office from the Corridor.


Room 101
→ Northwest Passage 1

Avoid the Licker(s) here and proceed to the door that is further down as the hallway curves to the left. Use the Silver Relief Key on it to unlock it but don’t enter it yet. Head down the hallway and near a fire extinguisher is another door which requires the Gold Relief Key. Further head is a dead end but has a Red Herb stashed here on the ground on the Easy and Normal difficulties, while a First Aid Spray will be here on the Hard difficulty, and a Green Herb is here on the Very Hard difficulty. Unlock the door requiring the Gold Relief Key and enter (the Gold Relief Key is useless and can be discarded for other items now).


Room 101
→ Northwest Passage 1

Avoid the Licker(s) here and proceed to the door that is further down as the hallway curves to the left. Use the Silver Relief Key on it to unlock it but don’t enter it yet. Head down the hallway and near a fire extinguisher is another door which requires the Gold Relief Key. Further head is a dead end but has a Red Herb stashed here on the ground on the Easy and Normal difficulties, while a First Aid Spray will be here on the Hard difficulty, and a Green Herb is here on the Very Hard difficulty. Unlock the door requiring the Gold Relief Key and enter (the Gold Relief Key is useless and can be discarded for other items now).



HF Easy Puzzle 1.png


HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery


HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery


HELLFIRE: Pro Gallery

Power Supply Room
→ Northwest Passage 1

Avoid the Lickers if they’re alive and head for the door that requires the Silver Relief Key.


Northwest Passage 1
→ Corridor

Head back to the flight of stairs while avoiding any zombies wandering around and continue to climb up until you enter a loading screen to the 3F.


→ Apple Inn Square

Watch for the Licker and approach the door that required the Silver Relief Key and use it to unlock the door (the Silver Relief Key is useless now). Enter the room.


Apple Inn Square
→ Room 306

If playing on the Very Hard difficulty, a zombie will animate and attack. If you approach the small decorative tree straight ahead, you’ll find the Red Jewel here. You can trade out the Silver Relief Key for the jewel as the key is useless now. You’ll find Shotgun Rounds on a small table across from the bed. Inside the bathroom, there will be Acid Round rounds on the floor here on the Easy difficulty, while there will be a Red Herb here instead on the Hard difficulty.


Room 306
→ Apple Inn Square

Head back down the flight of stairs.


Apple Inn Square
→ Corridor

Once on the 2F section, head back to the door to the Security Room. Watch out for the zombie here.


→ Security Room

Approach the Bust and use the Red Jewel on it to unlock the sliding door. Before entering, take this time to gear up on weapons, ammo, and recovery items. Once ready, enter through the door.


Security Room
→ Apple Inn Front Lobby

If playing on lower difficulties, the 2F section has ammo and recovery items in the corners here but you’ll be out of luck if playing on the Very Hard difficulty. Approach the power box and operate it to lower the emergency ladder down to the 1F section. You’ll find melee weapons, ammo, and recovery items scattered around here. By the reception counter is a bell you can ring which does nothing…right now. Once ready, approach the narrow section of the lobby (it is highly recommended you hug the left side of this corridor and with your back turned as you’ll be ambushed immediately after the cutscene). A cutscene will trigger and mark the appearance of the scenario’s boss.

Event 30 A.png



SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 1800 Normal: 2200 Hard: 2700 Very Hard: 3000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 2000 Normal: 3000 Hard: 3600 Very Hard: 4200


TONGUE: Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 200 - 340 Hard: 300 - 400 Very Hard: 400 - 600

TONGUE GRAB: Easy: 200 - 350 Normal: 500 - 650 Hard: 550 - 650 Very Hard: 600 - 750

STRANGLING STRUGGLE: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 110 - 200 Hard: 110 - 250 Very Hard: 150 - 300

TONGUE WHIP: Easy: 20 - 60 Normal: 45 - 115 Hard: 50 - 130 Very Hard: 55 - 140

TONGUE FINISHER: Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 160 - 240 Hard: 240 - 300 Very Hard: 300 - 380





Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Folding Knife to deal 80 damage to the Regis Licker.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Butcher Knife to deal 110 damage to the Regis Licker.



Depending on the positioning of your character, there is a high chance Regis Licker will grab your character with her Tongue Grab, and you’ll need to quickly mash buttons in order to reduce the amount of damage the Choking Struggle will inflict. However, if you’re able to avoid the grab, you’ll need to distance yourself as Regis Licker will counter attack with a Tongue attack immediately afterwards. Be careful if Regis Licker does grab a character and she’ll fling them away and any other characters that are in the way will take damage and heavy stun from their partner.

Unlike the previous bosses, Regis Licker does not move from her location, but she will adjust her position accordingly to strike characters in range should they use firearms too close to her. Due to this, Regis Licker’s options are limited as she cannot do anything to characters that are outside her range. Regis Licker’s attacks involve her Tongue Grab which she will not use, unless a character is in range of it, therefore there is no close-up position to hit her with melee weapons and having her whiff the attack. Unlike most grabs, if Regis Licker does seize a character and manages to reduce their vitality points to 1, the character will not be able to escape the grab on their own but the attack will not put characters into Dying status. Keep in mind the viral contamination ticks will start to add up the more she grabs and strangles your character for the entire duration.

Regis Lickers' more damaging attack is her Tongue attack which is more of a counter-attack than an offensive measure even if characters are within range. Regis will use this attack if a character uses a firearm or runs up to her, but she’ll also counter with this attack if a character causes her to whiff her Tongue Grab. Regis Licker’s signature move is her Tongue Whip and Tongue Finisher. When Regis Licker takes a set amount of damage, she’ll begin to shake wildly, then unleashes a barrage of tongue attacks that do light damage but add up as a character takes more hits, then Regis Licker finishes with the Tongue Finisher which does moderate damage and causes heavy stun. Therefore, Mark cannot Guard the attack completely as he’ll take damage and stun from the Tongue Finisher while completely negating damage from the Tongue Whip. Yoko’s Escape lasts long enough for her to dodge the entire attack and Jim cannot be damaged at all playing dead. It is important to note that while Regis Licker is shaking or performing any part of these attacks, she is completely invincible, which will force players to have to wait until Regis fully recovers from the attack to be attacked again. 

The true difficulty of this fight is focused on the Lickers that accompany her, which are positioned at the far side of the lobby. The Lickers will run interference and distraction from Regis and will try to waste your resources. The number of Lickers that appear are based on difficulty. 2 Lickers will appear on the Easy difficulty, 3 on the Normal difficulty, and 4 on the Hard and Very Hard difficulty. Lickers can temporarily be killed, but after a short to long duration of inactivity, they’ll revive with full vitality points. On easier difficulties, this is an option as you’ll be given plenty of ammunition, but this will not be a valid option on harder difficulties if you’re trying to avoid melee weapons.

Firearms allow characters to fire at Regis from a distance and prevent her Tongue counter attacks, but they will have to cease fire as soon as Regis starts up her Tongue Whip. Kevin or Kevin-Type NPCs can easily defeat Regis Licker with the 45. Automatic and very quickly if utilizing rolling Potshots. On all other difficulties outside the Very Hard difficulty, the Grenade Launcher will inflict the most damage but it is difficult to aim properly at a distance without getting close to Regis and potentially be punished for it by her Tongue Whip and Tongue Finisher. You will need to perform a sliding shot, in order to hit her from a distance with this weapon. The shotgun will be the most common choice of weapon to use. Depending on difficulty and the angle it is possible to hit the Lickers and Regis with a single blast. There is a glitch where players can attack Regis from the second level of the lobby for full damage (see below).

If ammo is used up or playing under special rules which prohibits the use of firearms, melee weapons the Folding Knife (exclusive to David for this scenario) and Butcher Knife will inflict double damage against her. Hammers and Stun Rods which can be created by David, are very effective against Regis Licker. In fact, the Stun Rod alone can defeat Regis Licker provided the weapon has all its structural points. Bear in mind that although Regis Licker won’t attack characters close to her if they slowly approach her, she will force character to retreat if she starts up her Tongue Whip. The Lickers will also be a factor and they may ‘accidentally’ approach as your melee Regis Licker.

Like with the previous boss fights, this scenario throws a bone in which you can use the front counter bell to distract the Lickers temporarily. On the Easy and Normal difficulties, the Lickers will backtrack to the far corner where they originally spawned. On the Hard difficulty, the Lickers will gather at the wall across from Regis Licker. On the Very Hard difficulty, the Lickers will gather almost in front of Regis Licker and can act as a “shield” to absorb your gunshots and will also make melee combat much harder. Depending on how the fight escalates, you may need to sound the alarm several times. Once Regis Licker has been defeated, head towards the door at the end of the lobby to complete the scenario.



This exploit allows you to easily eliminate Regis Licker without any trouble. Only works with firearms and firearms will inflict full damage since the range is close enough. Works in Single Play and Network Play Mode. In Network Play Mode, save this as a last resort. This is a cheap strategy and is frowned upon during online play.

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