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Zombie 2.jpg


SCENARIOS: Outbreak, Below Freezing Point, The Hive, Hellfire, & Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 500 - 650 Normal: 600 - 850 Hard: 760 - 900 Very Hard: 900 - 1250

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 500 - 650 Normal: 600 - 850 Hard: 760 - 900 Very Hard: 900 - 1250



SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 200 Normal: 250 Hard: 400 Very Hard: 900

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 400 Normal: 550 Hard: 600 Very Hard: 1000


GRAB (5% Bleed): Easy: 300 - 450 Normal: 450 - 600 Hard: 500 - 650 Very Hard: 500 - 850

BITING STRUGGLE (20% Bleed): Easy: 100 Normal: 100 - 300 Hard: 100 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 400

DOUBLE SCRATCH (First Hit): Easy: 100 - 130 Normal: 160 – 240 Hard: 260 - 320 Very Hard: 300 - 380

DOUBLE SCRATCH (Second Hit): Easy: 100 -130 Normal: 120 - 140 Hard: 200 - 280 Very Hard: 250 - 300

LOW SCRATCH: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 180 - 240 Hard: 260 – 320 Very Hard: 300 - 360

VOMIT: Easy: 100 - 300 Normal: 100 - 300 Hard: 100 - 400 Very Hard: 200 - 400

WINDOW GRAB (5% Bleed): Easy: 200 - 300 Normal: 300 - 400 Hard: 400 - 600 Very Hard: 400 - 700

WINDOW BITING STRUGGLE (20% Bleed): Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 100 - 200 Hard: 100 - 200 Very Hard: 100 - 300

LEG GRAB: Easy: 100 - 250 Normal: 100 - 250 Hard: 200 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 300

LEG BITING STRUGGLE: Easy: 20 – 40 Normal: 20 - 40 Hard: 30 - 50 Very Hard: 30 - 50

ANKLE GRAB: Easy: 50 - 70 Normal: 90 - 100 Hard: 100 - 120 Very Hard: 130 - 140

ANKLE STRUGGLE: Easy: 10 Normal: 10 - 30 Hard: 10 - 30 Very Hard: 20 - 40




Frames: 1/10/53 (Whiffed) 22/1/0 (Grabbed)

Fast, high priority, and the grab box comes out at frame 2 while extending and being disjointed. In Network Play Mode the grab box is larger and incredibly disjointed. The grab does a lot of damage and comes out on frame 23 while causing high viral contamination and chance to inflict Bleed status.

This is the only grab that the Emergency Escape can avoid the damage step of the grab. However, it'll  still voids out the “No Damage Clear” Bonus. If the grab alone depletes the character HP to 1, the zombie will pin the character down in which they must escape normally or the Emergency Dodge. If a player is grabbed with 1 HP the character will be unable to escape and will enter the dying state.

Zombies will always take 10 points of damage from standard escapes and can kill zombies if the escape fully depletes the zombie's HP. This is the only "grab" in the game that Mark can block with Guard and will NOT void him of a "No Damage Clear" Bonus.

Zombie Grab Front 2.jpg


Frames: 34/1/0 (After grab) 36/1/0

The zombie will bite the player in a loop up to 4 times causing damage up to 4 times. The character will automatically break free on their own unless the zombie is attacked anytime during the loop or the grabbed character breaks free. The first bite of the loop comes out quickly after the grab damage but the next three bites will always come out at frame 37. The biting struggle does moderate damage, high viral contamination, and has a moderate chance of inflicting Bleed status so it is essential to quickly break free. Characters can break free at any frame of the biting struggle with the standard escape or Emergency Escape.

The actual damage of the biting struggle takes effect when the zombie is switching sides to bite the character and not during the actual biting animation as displayed in the image. Anytime during the Biting Struggle, if it reduces the character’s vitality points to 1, the zombie will immediately pin the character down forcing them to break free normally or via an Emergency Escape.

Zombie Biting Loop Front 1B.jpg


Frames: 16/9/58

One of the zombie’s slower attacks. The zombie slightly hunches down and lowers its hit box, performing a low scratch that has decent range and horizontal coverage that can actually trade or beat out tackles. The zombie will always use this attack with their right arm. This attack causes light stun which can be dangerous with other enemies present as it can potentially lead up to follow-up attacks. Does low damage but moderate viral contamination nearly equivalent to their grabs.

The low polygon texture zombies which only appear during the outside portions of the Outbreak scenario will cause medium stun instead with their Low Scratch attacks.

Zombie Low Scratch.jpg


Frames: 8/7/0

The zombie's fastest attack outside their grab. Quick start-up that has good vertical range hitting as high as the zombie’s head and hits low. On stairs it can hit characters that are below the zombie. Causes light stun which makes it easy for the zombies to hit with the second scratch but it can lead to other follow-up attacks if the zombie whiffs the second scratch. Has no actual recovery since it immediately leads to the second scratch being staged. Deals moderate damage and low viral contamination.

Non-cancelable, the zombie can be attacked during the first scratch to prevent the second scratch from coming out. Be careful as this attack will be used more often on stairwells and declines.

Zombie Double Scratch First Hit 3.jpg


Frames: 16/7/34

Comes out after the first scratch and has more vertical range than the first scratch and hits low too. The overall range is better since the zombie is hunched over and fully extends its arm out. The second scratch does the most damage and always causes medium stun even if the player doesn't get hit by the first scratch. It will still cause low viral contamination.

Zombie Double Scratch Second Hit 2.jpg


Frames: 24/17/32

One of the zombie's weakest attacks. Zombies will only use this attack on stairwells and declines. The hit box comes out on frame 25 and first appears at the zombie’s head and has some disjoint. The hit box starts out small then becomes larger as the vomit spills and then disappears once the vomit has fully touched the ground.

The damage is low but it’ll cause devastating viral contamination on contact. While the stun animation is different, it is a light stun that can lead to follow-up attacks and another vomit attack by another zombie. Due to the slow startup, it can easily catch players off-guard into making them dodge too early due to anticipation of the zombie's quicker Double Scratch attack.

Zombie Vomit 2.jpg


Frames: 36/1/0

High priority can sometimes beat out Tackles and will bypass Mark’s Guard. The grab box is out the entire time as the zombie’s arms are extended out. The grab box is also disjointed and moves because the zombie slightly hunches forward. Not as damaging as their default grabs but it still does decent damage, viral contamination, and slight chance of inflicting Bleed status. Damage from the grab itself takes effect at frame 37. If the grab itself reduces the character’s vitality points to 1, it will immediately pull the character out of the window for instant death.

Emergency Escape cannot be performed for this grab and when a character escapes, the zombie is knock back temporarily and will be inactive for a bit but will reappear again. If a character has been pulled out the window, the zombie will not appear again.

Zombie Window Grab 2.jpg


Frames: 34/1/0 (After grab) 36/1/0

Similar to the biting struggle, the zombie will bite the character up to 4 times and damage them 4 times in a loop. Instead of the character breaking free on their own, the zombie will immediately pull the player out of the window for instant death regardless of their vitality points.

Does less damage than the biting struggle, but still causes moderate viral contamination and inflicting Bleed status. Characters can escape the Biting Struggle at any frame but cannot execute Emergency Escapes during the struggle. If the window struggle reduces the character's vitality points to 1, it will instantly pull the character out of the window.

Zombie Window Struggle 1.jpg


Frames: 54/1/0

The arms have their grab box out the entire time and has slight disjoint. The damage comes out at frame 55 and does very low damage and viral contamination. It will bypass Mark’s Guard and cannot perform Emergency Escapes to break free. It’s a low attack so many attacks won’t reach the hands without aiming low.

Zombie Hands Grab 1.jpg


Frames: 34/1/0 (After grab) 36/1/12

Damages up to 2 times before the character will escape on their own. Does very weak damage and viral contamination. Players can escape at any frame but the hands will retract early back into the duct if they're attacked or the character manages to break free quick enough. If the character’s vitality points are reduced to 1, the character will be unable to break free during the ankle struggle.

Zombie Hands Grab Struggle 1.jpg


Frames: 10/1/16 (Whiffed) 17/1/0 (Grabbed)

A low grab that comes out quickly and has decent range. A few zombies lay dormant until the player gets too close. When the zombie becomes active it will go for an immediate grab. Although zombies recover quickly from grabs if they whiff it, they sometimes will not attempt another grab immediately. The damage takes effect at frame 18 doing weak damage but moderate viral contamination. This grab will bypass Mark’s Guard and Emergency Escapes cannot be performed against this attack.

Zombie Ankle Grab 2.jpg


Frames: 19/1/0

Bites up to 5 times damaging the character up to 5 times before the character will break free on their own. Damage from the Biting Struggle will take effect every 19 frames. Damage from the leg biting struggle comes out fast. The damage is very low but it does moderate virus contamination that can accumulate very quickly.

If the character's vitality points are reduced to 1, they'll be unable to escape the leg biting struggle. Zombies will take 10 points of damage if the character breaks free early. Unlike with standing zombies, if it would typically reduce their vitality points to 0, it'll be reduced to 1 vitality point instead of killing it.

Zombie Ankle Biting Loop.jpg




Damage modification: 50%

The damage modification will cause the Shotgun to do 900 damage at close range against zombies and cause heavy stun. This damage modification does not apply if the Shotgun is used at mid or long range.

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SCENARIOS: The Hive & Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 500 Normal: 700 Hard: 800 Very Hard: 1150 - 1200

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 600 Normal: 750 Hard: 850 - 950 Very Hard: 1150 - 1250


POUNCE: Easy: 100 - 140 Normal: 150 - 250 Hard: 150 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 350

WRIST GRAB (20% Bleed): Easy: 200 - 300 Normal: 400 - 500 Hard: 300 - 500 Very Hard: 350 - 550

WRIST BITING STRUGGLE (40% Bleed): Easy: 100 - 200 Normal: 100 - 300 Hard: 100 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 400




Frames: 7/9/30

Fast and comes out at frame 8. The Pounce turns the zombie dog’s entire body into a hit box that lasts until it lands on the ground. It can even hit through tackles. The zombie dog has no invincibility at any point of the startup, the attack itself, and even during recovery so it can still be attacked at any time, even while they are airborne.

Does very weak damage and viral contamination but this is the attack capable of putting a character into Dying status. Zombie dogs recover quickly if they land on the ground. If they land on a character or wall they bounce off and have a slightly larger recovery after landing.

Zombie Dog Pounce 2.jpg


Frames: 0/1/17 (Whiffed) 89/1/0 (Grabbed)

Fast, huge grab box, insane priority, extremely disjointed. This grab can even bypass Tackle and George’s Tackle. Due to the dog's small hurt box, it is easy to whiff Tackles and be punished by a Wrist Grab. If zombie dogs take light stun, they can counter attack with Wrist Grabs. One of the most annoying "grab" attacks in the game. Deals moderate damage, moderate viral contamination, and has a moderate chance of inflicting Bleed status. It will bypass Mark’s Guard and is one of the few grabs in the game in which the Emergency Escape does not prevent damage before escaping.


If the zombie dog whiffs the grab, it can immediately perform another wrist grab due to fast recovery. The damage from the wrist grab doesn’t take effect until frame 90 so if the zombie dog is attacked beforehand, the character can actually break free before the damage takes effect. However, this will still void a “No Damage Clear” bonus. Zombie dogs cannot grab characters if their back is towards the zombie dog.

Zombie Dog Grab 2.jpg


Frames: 78/1/0

The zombie dog bites up to 3 times after the initial grab, dealing damage up to 3 times before the character breaks free on their own. Zombie dogs will be thrown similar to taking a heavy stun.

Deals moderate damage and viral contamination, but has a high chance of inflicting Bleed status. The startup is longer than most loops before the damage takes effect. Characters can break free at any frame as well or perform an Emergency Escape. Characters grabbed will break free immediately if the zombie dog is attacked during the wrist biting struggle.

If the character’s vitality points are reduced to 1, they'll be unable to break free at any point of the wrist biting struggle. Unlike with zombies, the wrist biting struggle will not put players into Dying status.

Zombie Dog Biting Loop.jpg
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Scenarios: Outbreak, The Hive, & Hellfire


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 Normal: 40 Hard: 50 Very Hard: 90

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 Normal: 40 Hard: 50 Very Hard: 90


DIVE: Easy: 80 - 100 Normal: 100 - 140 Hard: 100 - 160 Very Hard: 140 - 180

INITIAL PECK: Easy: 100 - 140 Normal: 120 - 180 Hard: 140 - 200 Very Hard: 140 - 220

PECKING STRUGGLE: Easy: 100 - 140 Normal: 120 - 180 Hard: 120 - 200 Very Hard: 140 - 220




Frames: 25/1/15

The crow will slightly ascend while auto-tracing the character then will dive straight towards the player making it easy to move out of range or attack it. The dive turns the crow's entire body into a hit box so it comes out at frame 26 and moves as the crow dives down.

Hits for light damage and viral contamination, but will cause light stun which can leave characters vulnerable to follow-up attacks. The dive only hits for light damage and stun if the attack does not directly connect to the character's head.

Crow Dive 2.jpg


Frames: 18/1/0

The same start-up as the dive but the trigger point of the Initial Peck is if the dive connects to the character’s head. The damage comes out at frame 19. Does low damage and viral contamination. The crow will remain stationary on top of the character making it a sitting target. Although Mark can Guard against the dive attack, if the crow dives and connects on any part of Mark's head it'll connect with the Initial Peck bypassing the Guard. Characters cannot perform Emergency Escapes.

Crow Initial Peck.jpg


Frames: 94/1/39

Unlike other struggling loops, the Pecking Struggle will run its course entirely, therefore the character being attacked is helpless until the crow finishes or is attacked during the struggle. The damage from the Pecking Struggle comes out at frame 95 and gives other characters ample time to disrupt the pecking struggle before the damage takes effect. The Pecking Struggle only damages one time. Emergency Escapes still cannot be performed at any point of the struggle.

Crow Peck Struggle.jpg
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SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 - 20 Normal: 40 - 80 Hard: 80 - 100 Very Hard: 120 - 200

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 - 20 Normal: 40 - 80 Hard: 80 - 100 Very Hard: 120 - 200


LATCHING: Easy: 11 - 16 Normal: 20 - 27 Hard: 40 - 47 Very Hard: 80 - 87

BLOOD SUCK: Easy: 13 - 15 Normal: 20 - 27 Hard: 40 - 47 Very Hard: 80 - 87




Frames: 12/1/0

At close range the Leech will leap off the ground turning its entire body into a hit box and will latch itself onto the character for light damage and stun. The Leech has no recovery if it misses but it will wait a moment to attack or re-position. Similar to the Vomit attack by zombies; This attack is very weak but it causes high viral contamination (only beaten by the zombie's Vomit attack). While Mark can Guard against these attacks and negate the damage, he’ll still receive viral contamination and the Leech will still attach itself onto Mark.

Leech Latch On And Blood Suck.jpg


Frames: 142/1/0

When the Leech has successfully latched onto the character, it will damage the character up to 2 times causing light stun, weak damage, but heavy viral contamination. The damage takes effect at frame 143 which is 4 seconds, therefore you can avoid the damage and viral contamination by performing an action that grants invincibility frames. It is possible to make the Leech fall off early by rapidly pressing the D-Pad or wiggling the control stick while also rapidly pressing the Action and Cancel buttons. The leech will instantly fall off if characters enter lockers, open doors, are grabbed by another enemy, or enter Dying status. Mark can Guard these attacks but will still take the viral contamination.

Leech Latch On And Blood Suck.jpg
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SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 2200 - 2400 Normal: 3200 - 3550 Hard: 4300 - 4600 Very Hard: 5800 - 6000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 2200 - 2400 Normal: 3200 - 3550 Hard: 4300 - 4600 Very Hard: 5800 - 6000


LEECH SPEAR (30% Bleed): Easy: 200 - 260 Normal: 300 - 380 Hard: 380 - 450 Very Hard: 450 - 500

GRAB: Easy: 350 - 450 Normal: 500 - 750 Hard: 750 - 850 Very Hard: 850 - 1050

BITING STRUGGLE: Easy: 100 - 200 Normal: 100 - 300 Hard: 100 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 400




Frames: 13/11/55

Comes out semi-quickly and has long range. There is a bit of disjoint from the tip of the spear. Causes moderate damage, little viral contamination, and light stun. The real danger of this attack is its moderate chance of inflicting Bleed status, which will cause the Leech Man to become faster and setup for grabbing attacks.

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Frames: 6/7/54 (Whiffed) 18/1/0 (Grabbed)

The most damaging grab in the game. Comes out very fast, has insane priority, and disjoint. The grab box is even larger and much more disjointed in Network Play Mode. Damage from the grab comes out on frame 8 making it tighter to rescue capture players before it takes effect. While this grab is similar to the zombies’ grab, Mark cannot Guard against it and Emergency Escapes cannot be performed.


If the grab reduces the character’s vitality points to 1, they’ll instantly break free but if they’re grabbed while at 1 HP, the character will break free immediately and will enter dying status.

Leechman Behind Grab 1.jpg


Frames: 33/1/0 (After grab) 36/1/0

Same animation as with the zombie’s biting struggle but slower. The Biting Struggle will last for 4 bites, damaging the player up to 4 times while dealing moderate damage and little viral contamination. Captured characters can escape at any frame of the Biting Struggle but can be freed immediately if Leech Man is attacked during the biting struggle. Emergency Escapes cannot be performed during the biting struggle.

If the Biting Struggle reduces the character’s vitality points to 1, they character will instantly break free instead of being pinned to the ground.

Leechman Behind Grab 2.jpg




Damage reduction: 100%

Does 0 damage regardless of range.



Damage reduction: 100%

Does 0 damage regardless of range.



Damage reduction: 100%

Does 0 damage regardless of how many rounds per burst connect and range.

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SINGLE PLAY MODE: Hard: 1300 - 1350 Very Hard: 1600 - 1700

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Very Hard: 1600 - 1700


POUNCE (50% Bleed): Hard: 460 - 500 Very Hard: 460 - 700

GNAWING STRUGGLE (10% Bleed): Hard: 160 - 280 Very Hard: 180 - 300

POISON STING (100% Poison): Hard: 300 - 350 Very Hard: 300 - 400




Frames: 3/2/9

Comes out really fast and has quick recovery. After recovery, the Scissor Tail may or may not wait a bit to use the Poison Sting again if the character is still within range. The range and size of the hit box will differ depending on which Scissor Tail type uses it. The larger versions have wider range while the smaller ones have smaller range. The hit box slightly covers the side of the tail allowing it to hit characters positioned to the sides. No matter which type uses the poison sting, it will always cause Poison status on hit.

Multiple Scissor Tails can potentially combo with rapid poison sting attacks, sometimes to the point of dropping characters from full health into Dying status. Poison Stings can also setups for pounce attacks as well. Mark can Guard these attacks but will still take viral contamination and Poison status.

Scissor Tail Big Poison Sting.jpg


Frames: 48/1/10 (Whiffed) 48/1/0 (Grabbed)

A long-distance grab that connects as an overhead attack. The Scissor Tail has no invincibility so the Scissor Tail can be attacked at any point of the pounce. Pounces deal moderate damage and viral contamination but have a high chance of inflicting Bleed status.

Similar to zombie dogs, this grab's damage cannot be prevented by Emergency Escapes. Scissor Tails are the only enemies in the game that will avoid damage from Emergency Escapes. If the pounce puts the character's vitality points to 1, the character will enter Dying status.

Scissor Tail Pounce 6.jpg


Frames: 30/1/0

Damages up to 3 times before the character will escape on their own. Deals low damage, moderate viral contamination, and has a moderate chance of inflicting Bleed status. Characters can escape at any frame of the gnawing struggle but can be freed immediately if the Scissor Tail is attacked. Scissor Tails will still dodge the damage from Emergency Escapes if they’re performed during the Gnawing Struggle. If the Gnawing Struggle reduces the character's vitality points to 1, the character will be put into dying status.

Scissor Tail Pounce 8 Damage Inflicted.j
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SCENARIOS: Below Freezing point


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 Normal: 40 - 50 Hard: 60 Very Hard: 90 - 140

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 10 Normal: 40 - 50 Hard: 60 Very Hard: 90 - 140


POISON SPIT (100% Poison): Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 100 - 180 Hard: 120 - 180 Very Hard: 150 - 250




Frames: 30/16/12

The hit box starts out small, coming out in front of the Baby Moth’s head then expands as the acid shot scatters causing the hit box to become much larger and covering more distance (2-character lengths away). Does very weak damage and viral contamination but will always cause Poison status on hit.

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SCENARIOS: Below Freezing point


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 1400 Normal: 1550 Hard: 1600 Very Hard: 2000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 800 Normal: 1550 Hard: 1600 Very Hard: 2000


AIR TACKLES: Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 150 - 200 Hard: 250 - 300 Very Hard: 450 - 500

POISON POWDER (100% Poison): Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 120 - 180 Hard: 120 - 200 Very Hard: 130 - 250




Frames: 14/13/1

The Giant Moth will fly in place for a second that auto-traces the character then dives right into the character for moderate damage and light stun. Air Tackles cause the poison powder to rain down from the wings as well. Comes out quite quickly and the Giant Moth has almost no recovery from the attack.

This attack is annoying because it can lead into combo hits from the poison powder, significantly increasing the overall damage taken. Also dodging the Air Tackle with special commands can prevent the damage from the air tackle but will leave characters open to getting hit by the poison powder upon recovery unless you're Jim or Yoko (Yoko has to sometimes be positioned properly to escape the tackle and poison powder).

Giant Moth Air Tackle.jpg


Frames:  0/18/0

The Giant Moth will constantly be raining down poison powder that falls downward vertically either when it is flying around or hanging from a wall. This attack can combo from the Air Tackle or while it is hanging from a wall sometimes hitting a character 2 to 4 times in a row. The powder's hit box lingers for a while before disappearing. Deals light damage, light stun, and always inflicts Poison status on hit.

Giant Moth Poison Powder 3.jpg
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SCENARIOS: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 650 Normal: 750 - 900 Hard: 850 - 950 Very Hard: 1050 - 1150

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 350 - 500 Normal: 750 - 950 Hard: 800 - 1000 Very Hard: 1000 - 1200


POUNCE: Easy: 150 - 250 Normal: 300 - 380 Hard: 350 - 450 Very Hard: 450 - 500

POISON ACID (100% Poison): Easy: 40 - 60 Normal: 80 - 100 Hard: 120 - 130 Very Hard: 150 - 180

SPIN AROUND: Easy: 250 - 280 Normal: 400 - 440 Hard: 450 - 480 Very Hard: 510 - 540




Frames:  64/11/12

Has a lengthy start-up but quick recovery. The Giant Spider's pounce has no tracing capabilities or any invincibility. The hit box becomes active and stays active the entire time the Giant Spider is airborne and disappears once the spider fully lands on the ground. The Giant Spider will flip over if it's attacked during startup or airborne. It will sometimes try to pounce again but will completely be facing away from the target. Causes moderate damage, little viral contamination, and heavy stun.

Giant Spider Pounce.jpg


Frames:  9/11/10

The hit box becomes active in front of the Giant Spider’s head then expands as the acid shot becomes larger and splashes onto the ground. The acid can travel further if it positioned at a high part of the stairwell. Comes out quick and the Giant Spider recovers quickly as well. Giant Spiders will only be able to use this attack if they’re hanging on walls and ceilings. Does not cause a lot of damage but it will cause light stun and Poison status on hit.

Giant Spider Poison Acid.jpg


Frames:  7/21/10

The Giant Spider will perform a counter-clockwise 360-degree spin attack hitting any characters close to it. The attack has a long and lingering hit box even when its body stops spinning. Spin Around is the Giant Spider's fastest attack having less startup and decent recovery as well. Deals moderate damage and causes light stun on hit. The attack can be disrupted by attacking the Giant Spider anytime during the attack. Avoid attacking a Giant Spider from the sides while up close as they can counter attack instantly with a Spin Around.

Giant Spider Spin Attack.jpg




Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will causes the Pesticide Spray to inflict 240 point of damage against the Giant Spider.

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SCENARIOS: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 120 -150 Hard: 170 - 250 Very Hard: 420 - 580

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 120 -150 Hard: 170 - 250 Very Hard: 420 - 580


POISON STING (100% Poison): Easy: 60 - 90 Normal: 90 - 120 Hard: 100 - 130 Very Hard: 150 - 180

AIR TACKLE: Easy: 200 - 300 Normal: 250 - 350 Hard: 300 - 400 Very Hard: 400 - 500




Frames:  31/1/3

Causes heavy stun and moderate damage on hit. The startup is identical to their Poison Sting attack as it will still auto-trace the character during the start-up, then it flies in a straight horizontal line during the active hit box. The hit box surrounds the Giant Wasp’s entire body with a slight bit of disjoint in front of the head. Like with the Poison Sting, the Giant Wasp recovers very quickly from the attack. The attack can be cancelled out by shooting it during the startup or during the attack itself. Unlike with Poison Sting, this attack can be very tricky to dodge effectively.

Giant Wasp Air Tackle.jpg


Frames:  31/1/11

The Giant Wasp will remain still while auto-tracing the character, then it’ll dive down diagonally. The Giant Wasp will not trace a character once the hit box of the attack becomes active at frame 32. The best time to attack the Giant Wasp is during startup since it remains still but, in most cases, it's best to move out of the way or dodge it. Use caution, as the hit box in this attack is incredibly disjointed. Giant Wasps recover very quickly from this attack. Will cause medium stun and Poison status on hit.

Giant Wasp Poison Sting.jpg




Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will causes the Pesticide Spray to inflict 240 point of damage against the Giant Wasp.

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SCENARIOS: Below Freezing Point & Hellfire


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 650 - 750 Normal: 850 - 1000 Hard: 950 - 1250 Very Hard: 1300 - 1700

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 650 - 850 Normal: 950 - 1150 Hard: 1050 - 1250 Very Hard: 1300 - 1700


TONGUE: Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 250 - 350 Hard: 400 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 750

CLAW SWIPE: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 150 - 250 Hard: 150 - 300 Very Hard: 200 - 350

TONGUE GRAB: Easy: 300 - 350 Normal: 600 - 650 Hard: 550 - 600 Very Hard: 600 - 750

STRANGLING STRUGGLE: Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 110 - 200 Hard: 110 - 250 Very Hard: 120 - 300




Frames: 5/6/8

Comes out really fast and has very quick recovery. Has decent horizontal coverage as the hit box covers the Licker’s sides as well. It’s a low attack, so Mark cannot Guard against it. Lickers can only use this while they’re on the floor and despite that Lickers recover quickly from their swipes, they may and may not wait to use another Claw Swipe.

The stun animation is different from other stuns in the game, similar to the stun from a zombie’s Vomit attack but it is a light stun which can lead to follow-up attacks from other enemies. Deals moderate damage and viral contamination on hit.

Licker Claw Swipe.jpg


Frames:  17/5/21

Comes out fast, huge range, and has disjoint past the tip of the tongue. The hit box becomes active right at the Licker’s head before the tongue even stretches out. The distance is dependent on where both the character and Licker are positioned. The hit box of the tongue is at the tip of the tongue only. This is the only attack where Lickers can utilize it from the ground, wall, or ceiling. It hits for heavy damage and viral contamination and causes light stun. This attack can potentially combo if multiple Lickers are around.

Licker Tongue Attack.jpg


Frames: 22/1/27 (Whiffed) 23/1/0 (Grabbed)

An overhead grab. This attack only comes out if the Licker is on the ceiling and a character is directly below it. The damage takes effect as soon as grab connects on frame 23. Mark cannot use Guard against this grab and Emergency Escapes cannot be performed to break free quicker. Deals moderate damage and viral contamination on hit.

Licker Tongue Grab.jpg


Frames: 52/1/59

Damages up to 2 times before the Licker will release the character on its own but the character can break free at any frame as long as their vitality points aren’t reduced to 1. The Licker will instantly release the player if it's attacked during the Strangling Struggle. If the character's vitality points were reduced to 1 from the Tongue Grab, the character will be unable to break free on their own. This attack cannot put characters into Dying status. Emergency Escapes still cannot be performed during the Strangling Struggle.

Licker Tongue Strangle Struggle.jpg




Damage modification: 50%

The damage modification will cause the Shotgun to do 900 damage at close range against Lickers and cause heavy stun. This damage modification does not apply if the Shotgun is used at mid and long range.

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SCENARIOS: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 5000 Normal: 5000 Hard: 5000 Very Hard: 5000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 5000 Normal: 5000 Hard: 5000 Very Hard: 5000


KNOCK OFF: Easy: 80 - 110 Normal: 90 - 130 Hard: 100 - 150 Very Hard: 110 - 170

DEVOUR: Easy: Death Normal: Death Hard: Death Very Hard: Death




Frames: 54/51/170

Deals weak damage but heavy stun that will always knock characters into the water. The Neptune that uses this attack has complete invincibility during the entire attack and recovery until it completely dives back into the water. This hit box that surrounds Neptune entirely lingers for a very long time.

The danger of this attack is the unpredictability of where the shark will appear from. Sometimes Neptune will appear directly where the character is or it will appear far away or a short distance ahead of the character for them to collide into the shark as it surfaces. Neptune has a very long cool down after it uses the attack which gives characters a small amount of time to cross the pier before it uses the attack again.

Neptune Knock Off.jpg


Frames: 77/1/102

The Neptune that is visible and swims around the pier is the only shark that uses this attack. While in the water, Neptune will beeline towards the character and will spam Devour attacks until the character is caught or manages to climb back up the pier. The grab box is large and disjointed but either diving into the water or swimming completely straight can avoid the attack. It's an instant death attack so if it connects, it's game over.

Neptune Swallow 3.jpg
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Scenarios: Below Freezing Point


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 850 Normal: 1000 - 1200 Hard: 1300 - 1400 Very Hard: 1600 - 1650

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 850 - 950 Normal: 1150 - 1300 Hard: 1350 - 1550 Very Hard: 1600 - 1650


QUICK SLASH (5% Bleed): Easy: 70 - 90 Normal: 90 - 120 Hard: 100 - 130 Very Hard: 150 - 180

STRAIGHT SLASH (5% Bleed): Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 400 - 440 Hard: 450 - 480 Very Hard: 500 - 520

FIERCE SLASH (10% Bleed): Easy: 160 - 200 Normal: 180 - 220 Hard: 200 - 240 Very Hard: 220 - 260

UPPERCUT: Easy: 250 - 270 Normal: 400 - 440 Hard: 450 - 480 Very Hard: 500 - 520

JUMP SLASH: Easy: 250 - 270 Normal: 400 - 440 Hard: 450 - 480 Very Hard: 500 - 520

FATAL SLASH: Easy: Death Normal: Death Hard: Death Very Hard: Death




Frames: 6/4/47

Hunter's fastest attack with a massive disjointed hit box that hits as far as a sweep distance away. Deals weak damage, light stun, and slight chance of inflicting Bleed status on hit. Due to the speed, this attack can easily catch players off guard if they attempt to run past a Hunter. Hunters will spam this attack exclusively if a character is in Danger status. The cool down is long enough for a Hunter to recover after causing light stuns or characters recovering from their dodges making this attack very difficult to escape in those situations.

Hunter Light Scratch.jpg


Frames: 10/8/28

The strongest ground level slash. Those that played Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 first will know the Fierce Slash was one of their more damaging attacks. This slash is a bit uncommon as Hunters favor the Uppercut and Fierce Slash more. The Hunter moves forward and slashes in a straight line in front of it. The hit box is quite disjointed and hits from the side of the Hunter as well. Beware as the Hunter recovers quickly from it. Does moderate damage, medium stun, and a slight chance of inflicting Bleed status.

Hunter Medium Slash.jpg


Frames: 13/3/29

Fast and has good horizontal coverage in front of the Hunter. On a bright note: For those that played Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 first, it's no longer stupidly disjointed and does not auto-trace characters during startup and as well as during the active hit box of the attack. It's also much weaker compared to File #2 and makes it one of the Hunter's weaker attacks with only the Quick Slash being the Hunter's weakest attack.

Despite the Fierce Slash dealing weaker damage, it causes medium stun and slight chance of inflicting Bleed status. Fierce Slash is one of the Hunter's more common attacks so expect them to throw these attacks out often.

Hunter Hard Slash.jpg


Frames: 13/5/36

Comes out fast and hits low first before the hit box extends vertically and hitting completely in front of the Hunter. Hunters will use this commonly and usually as a follow-up after a Fierce Slash or if it gets close to a character when it is running. This is the only attack in the game that can break weapons. Equipped Handgun SGs and Shotguns can become inoperable if characters are hit by the Uppercut. Deals moderate damage and causes heavy stun on hit.

Hunter Uppercut 2.jpg


Frames: 24/7/13

When the Hunter is running after a character, it will jump up and perform a jumping slash attack. This attack has a hit box on the lower part of the Hunter's body and extends even when it lands making it possible for it to hit characters behind it or from the sides. Hunters have no invincibility when they're airborne so they can be attacked anytime in the air to disrupt the attack. Deals moderate damage and medium stun on hit. Be careful with this attack as it is incredibly disjointed.

Hunter Jump Attack 1.jpg


Frames: 78/2/32

A 2-frame instant kill attack with a lengthy startup but decent recover even on whiff. The Fatal Slash has a very long wind up but has auto-tracing properties during the entire startup which can make it difficult to escape in Danger status. The Hunter is completely vulnerable during startup and the attack can easily be cancelled out if it’s attacked during start up.

Hunters have two parameters to use in which they’ll use the Fatal Slash.

  • Hunter's vitality points are half or less than max vitality point value.

  • Characters are in Danger status.

Hunter Fatal Slash 3.jpg




Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Yellow Chemical Bottle to deal 1000 damage against Hunters.

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Scenarios: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 950 - 1000 Normal: 1150 - 1200 Hard: 1000 - 1550 Very Hard: 1700 - 1800

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 800 - 950 Normal: 1400 - 1450 Hard: 1600 - 1650 Very Hard: 1800


SWIPE: Easy: 60 - 90 Normal: 90 - 110 Hard: 100 - 130 Very Hard: 150 - 180

INITIAL EAT: Easy: 300 - 400 Normal: 400 - 600 Hard: 400 - 700 Very Hard: 500 - 700

EATING STRUGGLE: Easy: 50 - 70 Normal: 80 - 100 Hard: 100 - 120 Very Hard: 120 - 140

INITIAL EAT (Water): Easy: 200 - 300 Normal: 300 - 350 Hard: 400 - 450 Very Hard: 500 - 600

EATING STRUGGLE (Water): Easy: 50 - 70 Normal: 80 - 90 Hard: 100 - 120 Very Hard: 120 - 140

JUMP SWIPE: Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 300 - 350 Hard: 350 - 420 Very Hard: 400 - 480




Frames: 4/10/96

Comes out insanely fast, high priority, with a wide hit box that covers the Hunter’s sides and front giving it massive horizontal coverage. Hunter γs only use this on land. Does very weak damage, light stun, but has horrible recovery which gives the characters a long time to react or run away. It’s also quite disjointed and can also hit low as well.

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Frames: 18/6/117 (Whiffed) 18/35/0 (Grabbed)

Hunter γ only uses this attack once the character is in Danger status and while on land. The damage takes effect on frame 19, normally dealing enough damage to deplete the character’s vitality points to 1 making it impossible to break free. Has good range and Hunter γ moves forward when attempting to grab a character. The Hunter γ has very long recovery if the grab whiffs. Mark cannot Guard against this grab and characters cannot perform Emergency Escapes.

Gamma Hunter Initial Eat 2.jpg


Frames: 30/1/0 (After grab) 28/1/0

Damages the character up to 7 times. Normally the Hunter γ can perform the entire Eating Struggle because the character’s vitality points are 1 due to the damage from the Initial Eat when it grabs a character in Danger status. However, if a character heals just before the Initial Eat and has enough vitality points, they can break free from the Eating Struggle. The Hunter γ will instantly release the player if it’s attacked during the Eating Struggle.

After the seventh time the Eating Struggle damages a character, the Hunter γ will swallow them completely, instantly killing them. During the swallowing animation, the Gamma gains Super Armor and cannot be stunned by attacks but will still take damage even if its vitality points are depleted to 0.

Gamma Hunter Eating Struggle.jpg


Frames: 18/6/117 (Whiffed) 18/35/0 (Grabbed)

Has the same attributes as the Initial Eat on land. The only difference with the water version is the slightly less damage it inflicts and doesn't require a character to be in Danger status to execute. This is the only attack Hunter γs will perform while in the water. Character's will need to dive underwater to avoid the grab as the grab box for this attack is quite large.

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Frames: 30/1/0 (After grab) 28/1/0

Has all the same attributes as the Eating Struggle on land. However, unless the grab or Eating Struggle reduces the character's vitality points to 1, characters can escape on their own at any frame before the damage takes effect the seventh time, at which point the Hunter γ swallows the character instantly killing them.

The Hunter γ will still release captured characters if it is attacked during the Eating Struggle but like on land, it'll still gain Super Armor during the swallowing animation and cannot be stunned or killed.

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Frames: 3/16/212

Comes out incredibly fast and hits low. This attack has a lingering hit box and a really long cool down. Hunter γs only used this move near guard rails, attempts to shimmy the pipe, or on the steps from the Water Purifying Room.

The Hunter γ has no invincibility and can be attacked during the jump. Deals moderate damage and causes heavy stun.

Gamma Hunter Jump Swipe.jpg
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SCENARIOS: Below Freezing Point


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 3800 Normal: 4800 Hard: 5000 Very Hard: 5000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 5800 Normal: 7800 Hard: 8800 Very Hard: 9900


ARM SWING: Easy: 300 (600*) Normal: 500 (1000*) Hard: 600 (1200*) Very Hard: 700 (1400*)

EGG EXPLOSION: Easy: 80 - 90 Normal: 90 - 130 Hard: 100 - 150 Very Hard: 110 - 170

EGG SPLASH: Easy: 80 - 100 Normal: 90 - 130 Hard: 100 - 150 Very Hard: 110 – 170

*: This attack can land a critical hit inflicting double damage.




Frames: 24/46/64

Has a slow wind up. The Arm Swing covers a large area in front of G-Mutant and can even hit characters behind it that are poorly positioned too close to its back. Has very good horizontal coverage with a huge hit box. The Arm Swing will completely whiff if a character is behind it but standing by its tail. G-Mutant will go for a 2-arm swing attack if the character that is the prime aggro is within range. While walking, G-Mutant will throw out 3-arm swings and it will cancel into a 2-arm swing as soon as the character with its aggro comes close to it.

Deals heavy damage and causes heavy stun. In its “angered” state, the Arm Swing becomes even faster and harder to avoid. G-Mutant is able to recover quickly enough to perform another Arm Swing if it hits a character making this attack very dangerous if a character is in Danger status. The Arm Swing is capable of dealing double damage in both Single Play Mode and Network Play Mode.

G-Mutant Arm Swing 2.jpg


Frames: 26/16/113

When G-Mutant's back is struck, G-Mutant releases hot liquid that auto-traces the Host causing light damage and heavy stun. The Host is the player that hosted the game's session for Network Play Mode, while in Single Play Mode, it is the non-AIPC character. The liquid has decent range and covers any location from the G-Mutant. G-Mutant has long recovery when releasing the liquid but can still attack with the Egg Explosions during stuns. After frame 113, G-Mutant will be able to move freely again. G-Mutant will recover quicker in its “angered” state.

G-Mutant Egg Explosion.jpg


Frames: 8/113

When the liquid hits the ground, it creates a wide hit box in the splash zone that deals the same amount of damage as the Egg Explosion but will causes light stun. The splash has a decent radius and slight disjoint. Characters can potentially be comboed from the Egg Explosion Splashes if G-Mutant's back is consecutively struck causing G-Mutant to release more liquid.

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Damage reduction: 50%

Monkey Wrenches only inflict 125 damage against the G-Mutant.



Damage reduction: 50%

Gray Chemical Bottles only inflict 300 damage against the G-Mutant. However, the blast radius isn't effected by the penalty and will still inflict the 350 damage normally.



Damage reduction: 16% - 50%

Damage reduction causes the Handgun SG to deal 80 damage at mid range but 16 damage at long range towards G-Mutant.



Damage reduction: 20 - 62.5%

Damage reduction causes the 45. Automatic to deal 360 damage at close range, 225 at mid range, and 135 damage at long range towards G-Mutant.



Damage reduction: 30 - 90%

Damage reduction causes the Magnum Handgun to deal 630 damage at close range, 450 at mid range, and 90 damage at long range towards G-Mutant.



Damage reduction: 40%

Damage reduction causes the Shotgun to deal 360 damage at close range against G-Mutant and causes light stun. This damage reduction does not apply if the Shotgun is used at mid or long range.

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SCENARIOS: Below Freezing Point

SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 20 - 40 Normal: 60 - 80 Hard: 80 - 100 Very Hard: 120 - 200

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy : 20 - 40 Normal: 60 - 80 Hard: 80 - 100 Very Hard: 120 - 200


BITE: Easy: 30 - 70 Normal: 80 - 100 Hard: 90 - 110 Very Hard: 100 - 140




Frames: 9/1/0 (Grabbed) 9/1/5

Causes no damage but a successful Latch On will cause light stun and negate the "No Damage Clear" bonus. The Latch on comes out quick and can connect as a low hit. G-Embryos will recover quickly from whiffs. There is no invincibility, so the G-Embryo can be attacked while airborne. Surprisingly has decent priority and can beat out Tackles.

G-Embyro Latch On.jpg


Frames: 122/1/0

At frame 123, after being attached to a character, the G-Embryo will use a bite attack that causes light damage and light stun. Players can force the G-Embryo off wiggling the control stick or D-Pad while rapidly pressing the Cancel button. G-Embryos will bite up to 2 times for damage before it'll jump off the character on its own. The hit box of the bite will surround the G-Embryo’s body, so it is able to also hit other characters that get too close to the G-Embryo attached to another character.

G-Embyro Bite 2.jpg
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SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 2800 Normal: 3700 Hard: 4300 Very Hard: 4300

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 4000 Normal: 5400 Hard: 6200 Very Hard: 6800


TENTACLE: Easy: 100 - 200 Normal: 250 - 350 Hard: 250 - 400 Very Hard: 300 - 450

ACID SHOT: Easy: 80 - 110 Normal: 160 - 200 Hard: 200 - 240 Very Hard: 200 - 320

ACID SHOT (Shore): Easy: 170 - 220 Normal: 320 - 390 Hard: 410 - 460 Very Hard: 490 - 600

TACKLE: Easy: 200 - 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650

HEADBUTT: Easy: 200 - 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650

RISING SNOUT: Easy: 250 Normal: 400 - 450 Hard: 500 - 550 Very Hard: 600 - 650




Frames: 32/26/49

If a character is past a sweep distance from the Giant Leech, it’ll stay underwater and will attack with its tentacles. The water will glow signaling the attack in advance. The hit box appears as soon as the tentacles surface out of the water and stay active even as the tentacles retract back into the water. Deals moderate damage and heavy stun. Very meaty attack.

Due to the lingering hit box of this attack it can hit Cindy and George during recovery of their dodges if they dodge directly right where the tentacles sprout from.

Giant Leech Tentacles.jpg


Frames: 34/26+/37

The hit box becomes active as soon as the Giant Leech spits the acid at frame 35. The acid can hit characters before it touches the water. When the acid lands in the water, it creates a lingering hit box where it can hit characters that touch the puddle before the acid fully dissolves. The Giant Leech spits 3 shots of acid with 2 of the shots that will cover a sweep distance from the leech while the third shot travels the furthest and covers mid-range.

Deals light damage but this attack can combo easily due to the acid directly hitting a character then taking damage from the acid as it lands in the water easily increasing the damage output. On shore the acid cannot be seen when it hits the ground but can still hit characters that step where the acid has landed. There is a certain spot near at the shore where the acid will inflict greater damage.

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Frames: 84/17/51

The Giant Leech will shake wildly then raise up its snout and stretch it out and performs a tackle that completely covers in front of the leech that has a slight lingering hit box and is very meaty. This attack is normally a follow-up after recovering from Headbutt. Like the Rising Snout, this attack doesn't have a blind spot. It inflicts moderate damage and causes medium stun. This attack is one of the few attacks Mark can use Guard against and receive no damage.

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Frames: 13/18/0

Another meaty attack. Rising Snout will always come out after the Giant Leech dives back underwater or when it's underwater and a character gets close to it. Like Tackle, the hit box for this attack completely covers the front of the leeches’ body and it has no blind spot. One of the Giant Leech's faster attacks. This attack has no recovery since the Giant Leech will immediately follow-up with the Headbutt. Deals moderate damage and causes heavy stun. This attack prevents Mark from completely shutting down the Giant Leech.

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Frames: 12/9/27

Follow-up attack from a Rising Snout. This attack has a blind spot on the Leech's right side that can be avoided by hugging the left wall and facing towards the wall. It can easily hit characters with wider hit boxes if they face directly at the Giant Leech. The hit box is small and surrounds the Giant Leech's snout. Very meaty attack and can hit low. Causes moderate damage and medium stun on hit.

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Damage modification: 320%

The damage modification will cause Shoulder Tackles to deal 42 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 10%

The damage modification will cause Foot Stomps to deal 44 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 120%

The damage modification will cause Kevin's Kick to deal 44 damage to the Giant Leech.


Damage modification: 120 - 320%

The damage modification will cause George's tackle to deal 42 damage from uncharged tackles and 44 damage from fully charged tackles against Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Iron Pipe to deal 120 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Curved Iron Pipe to deal 110 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Bent Iron Pipe to deal 160 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Broken Crutch to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Scrub Brush to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Wooden Pole to deal 100 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Stick to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Spear to deal 240 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Folding Knife to deal 80 damage to the Giant Leech.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Butcher Knife to deal 110 damage to the Giant Leech.

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SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 1800 Normal: 2200 Hard: 2700 Very Hard: 3000

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 2000 Normal: 3000 Hard: 3600 Very Hard: 4200


TONGUE: Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 200 - 340 Hard: 300 - 400 Very Hard: 400 - 600

TONGUE GRAB: Easy: 200 - 350 Normal: 500 - 650 Hard: 550 - 650 Very Hard: 600 - 750

STRANGLING STRUGGLE: Easy: 100 - 120 Normal: 110 - 200 Hard: 110 - 250 Very Hard: 150 - 300

TONGUE WHIP: Easy: 20 - 60 Normal: 45 - 115 Hard: 50 - 130 Very Hard: 55 - 140

TONGUE FINISHER: Easy: 150 - 180 Normal: 160 - 240 Hard: 240 - 300 Very Hard: 300 - 380




Frames: 9/6/15

Comes out quick, has good range, and fast recovery. Regis Licker uses this attack more as a counter-attack if a character uses a firearm too closely. Depending on the stun Regis Licker takes on, she can react quick enough. Regis will also use this attack if a character runs past her after she whiffs a Tongue Grab. The hit box is still at the tip of the tongue.

Not as damaging as a Licker's Tongue attack but it will still deal moderate damage, medium stun, and viral contamination on hit.

Regis Licker Tongue Attack 2.jpg


Frames: 9/9/12 (Whiffed) 9/1/0

Comes out quick and Regis Licker has almost no cool down from a whiffed Tongue Grab so she can perform another one if the character is in range or counter attack with a Tongue attack. The grab is very disjointed. It can grab a character standing towards Regis Licker's left and the grab box is quite large behind her, making it impossible to position close enough to attack her from behind with knives as Regis will use the attack immediately when the character is in range.

There is a blind spot on Regis Licker's right, if a character is positioned on the left side of the wall but is facing towards the wall, the Tongue Grabs will miss. The damage takes effect as soon as the grab connects. Deals moderate damage and viral contamination. Mark cannot use Guard against it and Emergency Escapes cannot be performed.

Regis Licker Tongue Grab 2.jpg


Frames: 74/1/0 (After Grab) 51/1/0

Damages up to 2 times before Regis will fling the captive away. Characters can escape at any frame of the grab unless their vitality points have been reduced to 1. The Choking Struggle deals light damage but moderate viral contamination.

Emergency Escapes still cannot be performed. When Regis Licker releases a character, she flings them away which is far enough to be out of range of all her other attacks. The flung character can hit and damage other characters that get caught in range of the toss. Characters hit by a toss character take moderate damage and heavy stun. The Choking Struggle cannot put players into Dying status.

Regis Licker Tongue Grab 3.jpg


Frames: 50/25

Regis Licker will begin to shake then unleashes a wave of tongue attacks with decent range and priority. Regis is completely invincible from start-up and during the attack. The damage inflicted is very weak but the damage ticks accumulate quickly if a character gets completely caught by the attack. Each hit causes light stun and hits up to 5 times.

Jim's Play Dead and Yoko's Escape are the only dodges that can completely avoid the Tongue Whip. This attack has no recovery since the Tongue Whip follows-up with Tongue Finisher.

Regis Licker Tongue Whip 3.jpg


Frames: 7/6/23

Immediately follows-up after the Tongue Whip. It does greater damage and causes heavy stun therefore Mark cannot completely negate the entire attack. The Tongue Finisher is the sixth hit after the entire Tongue Whip attack.

Regis Licker still maintains invincibility and cannot be attacked until she fully recovers from the attack.

Regis Licker Tongue Finisher 2.jpg




Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Folding Knife to deal 80 damage to the Regis Licker.



Damage modification: 100%

The damage modification will cause the Butcher Knife to deal 110 damage to the Regis Licker.

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SCENARIOS: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy:  Normal:  Hard:  Very Hard: 

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: ∞ Normal:  Hard:  Very Hard: 


PUNCH: Easy: 100 - 150 Normal: 150 - 200 Hard: 150 - 250 Very Hard: 200 - 350

KICK: Easy: 220 - 250 Normal: 250 - 280 Hard: 300 - 330 Very Hard: 420 - 480

HAYMAKER: Easy: 220 - 250 Normal: 250 - 280 Hard: 300 - 330 Very Hard: 460 - 480

IMPALE: Easy: Death Normal: Death Hard: Death Very Hard: Death




Frames: 13/14/57

Fast and with auto-tracing capabilities. Thanatos will always perform this attack with his right arm and deals moderate damage and heavy stun. The attack tracks when the hit box is active at frame 14, making it a little tricky to dodge effectively. One of Thanatos' more ranged attacks. It’s Thanatos' weakest attack but successful hits will always cause heavy stun. This attack can be used to open doors if you position Thanatos correctly.

Thanatos Punch.jpg


Frames: 9/6/48

Thanatos' fastest attack and has a decent size hit box around the leg. Thanatos always kicks with his left leg. The Kick also can auto-trace a character. It tracks the target up until frame 16 when Thanatos is recovering from the attack. Thanatos uses this attack a bit more uncommonly and favors the Punch attack more. Deals moderate damage and causes medium stun on hit. This attack can be used to open doors if you position Thanatos correctly.

Thanatos Kick 2.jpg


Frames: 16/8/56

Thanatos performs a Haymaker punch that has good range and can even hit at sweep distances away from his right as well as behind him. It auto-traces during startup up until the cool down. Thanatos uses this attack more often than the Punch attack. Deals moderate damage and heavy stun on hit. This attack can be used to open doors if you position Thanatos correctly.

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Frames: 78/18/55

Lengthy startup. Thanatos can be attacked during startup with a weapon that can stun it to cancel out the attack. Thanatos will point at the character then thrusts his right arm forward. This attack is very disjointed as the hit box covers in front of Thanatos, and can hit high and low.

It's an instant kill attack but it will not instantly kill players if they're hit with it while climbing ladders. Thanatos rarely uses Impale. This attack can easily catch players off guard that rely too much on item glitching or using dodges.

Thanatos Impale 2.jpg
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SCENARIOS: Decisions, Decisions


SINGLE PLAY MODE: Easy: 2500 Normal: 2800 - 3500 Hard: 3000 - 4500 Very Hard: 3000 - 6500

NETWORK PLAY MODE: Easy: 3500 - 4800 Normal: 3800 - 6300 Hard: 4000 - 6300 Very Hard: 4000 - 9000


ARM SWING: Easy: 100 - 230 Normal: 150 - 450 Hard: 200 - 550 Very Hard: 300 - 750

KICK: Easy: 220 - 250 Normal: 250 - 280 Hard: 300 - 330 Very Hard: 450 - 480

DASH: Easy: 160 - 200 Normal: 180 - 220 Hard: 200 - 240 Very Hard: 220 - 260

JUMP: Easy: 120 - 150 Normal: 250 - 280 Hard: 300 - 320 Very Hard: 460 - 480

ARM SLAM: Easy: 220 - 250 Normal: 380 - 420 Hard: 500 - 530 Very Hard: 650 - 670




Frames: 27/40/73

Infamous attack #1. Massively large hit box, and very wide. Arm Swing covers Thanatos R from the sides and partly behind Thanatos R's back from the right side. The hit box stays out for a while and is quite meaty and disjointed. It has a blind spot as Thanatos R lifts his arm upward as he moves his arm towards his right and hits high. Therefore, players can aim downward and swing melee weapons or knives to avoid the overhead hit box. 

The left side of the attack makes it difficult for characters like Cindy and George to dodge it completely, as Thanatos R will move his arm towards the right oftentimes hitting them during recovery. Arm Swing has the most range directly in front of it. The damage ranges are wide for this attack and can hit for light damage or heavy damage. Will always cause heavy stun.

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Frames: 9/6/48

Thanatos R's fastest attack and has a decent size hit box around the leg. Thanatos R always kicks with his left leg. While the kick has the same frame data as his first form, the only difference is that this attack no longer auto-traces the target and the hit box is much larger. Deals moderate damage and causes medium stun on hit.

Thanatos R Kick.jpg


Frames: 0/8+/41

Zero startup and has complete invincibility during the dash animation while being surrounded with a hit box at his knee and above. Thanatos R loses invincibility during recovery. During the dash, Thanatos R auto-traces the character he has aggro against.

Thanatos R will use this if the distance between the character and itself is far enough, but it can use it closer, especially after a Jump. Thanatos R can use this at point blank range to escape knife locks sometimes making the attack unpredictable. Dash is one of Thanatos R's more difficult attacks to avoid so dodges and item glitching are the best ways to avoid it. Causes medium stun on hit.

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Frames: 49/21/84

Lengthy startup. Thanatos R spends most of the startup rising his arm upward then sends it crashing down. The actual hit box of the slam, as the arm is coming down, doesn't appear until frame 50. Has a huge hit box and covers widely in front of Thanatos R. Deals heavy damage and stun.

Be careful of this attack if Thanatos R uses it near boundaries, as the boundary can push Thanatos R's body back also pushing back the hit box of the Arm Slam as well.

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Frames: 77/12/46

Infamous attack #2. Thanatos R will jump into the sky and then crashes down to the ground shortly afterwards. Thanatos R has complete invincibility when he off the ground jumping up and landing and no longer has invincibility when he lands on the ground. Thanatos R's entire body becomes a hit box during this attack.

There are 2 versions of this attack. The first is he jumps once and the other is where he'll jump 4 times. The first version, Thanatos R auto-traces a character he is aggro against after he disappears from the screen. A shadow will appear on the character he is trying to attack. The second version he will jump and randomly land, sometimes he will target characters with any of the 4 jumps. Thanatos R will always use the Jump if his heart is repeatedly attacked while it is stunned. Deals moderate damage and heavy stun.

pcsx2 2020-03-22 17-33-42-940.png


The damage penalties only take effect if Thanatos R's body is attacked. Thanatos R takes damage based off the weapon's normal value if his heart is attacked.


Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause Shoulder Tackles to deal 2 damage to Thanatos R.


Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause Foot Stomps to deal 8 damage to Thanatos R.


Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause Kevin's Kick to deal 4 damage to Thanatos R.


Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause George's tackle to deal 2 damage from uncharged tackles and 4 damage from fully charged tackles against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 12 - 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Iron Pipe to deal 14 damage to Thanatos R. It will deal 62 damage to Thanatos R's heart.



Damage reduction: 12 - 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Curved Iron Pipe to deal 8 damage to Thanatos R. It will deal 57 damage to Thanatos R's heart.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Bent Iron Pipe to deal 16 damage to Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Flame Spray to deal 30 damage to Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Monkey Wrenches to deal 50 damage to Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the 45. Automatic to deal 90 damage at close range, 81 damage at mid range, and 72 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause Mark's Handgun to deal 26 damage at close range, 23 damage at mid range, and 23 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Handgun to deal 28 damage at close range, 22 damage at mid range, and 16 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Assault Rifle to deal 26 damage at close range, 20 damage at mid range, and 18 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Grenade Launcher to deal 240 damage while the explosion causes 70 damage against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Rocket Launcher to deal 3840 damage against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Monkey Wrenches to deal 50 damage to Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the 45. Automatic to deal 90 damage at close range, 81 damage at mid range, and 72 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause Mark's Handgun to deal 26 damage at close range, 23 damage at mid range, and 23 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Handgun to deal 28 damage at close range, 22 damage at mid range, and 16 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Assault Rifle to deal 26 damage at close range, 20 damage at mid range, and 18 damage at long range against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Grenade Launcher to deal 240 damage while the explosion causes 70 damage against Thanatos R.



Damage reduction: 80%

The damage reduction will cause the Rocket Launcher to deal 3840 damage against Thanatos R.





Damage modification: 400%

The damage modification will cause the Folding Knife to deal 200 to Thanatos R if striking the heart.

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