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This Guide is intended to serve as an easily navigable manual for new players, veterans, speed runners, or those who are generally trying to improve their game play experience. There are updates to some reference materials for the veterans of Resident Evil: Outbreak in a convenient format. The information in this guide can be carried to any version of the game - especially in terms of scenario battle strategy - but overall, the experience on any version is the same. The updated localization in Resident Evil: Outbreak has changed mostly the text for specific items and the audio Ad-Libs from the main character cast. The walkthrough is also intended to be somewhat modular.


If you have come seeking advice on a particular battle, feel free to proceed directly to that particular section in the Guide by clicking on the Tabs above. The battle sections are intended to assist players with varied strategies in mind; for the most part, they do not take the player through the game with a specific character in mind (though some characters do make particular battles and task completion easier).


The categories for specific scenarios will cover how to complete each scenario in detail by giving strategies, hints, and other information for readers. The scenarios are pretty straightforward on all difficulties, with the exception that certain key items are placed in different locations. This walkthrough will cover all difficulties and all different routes (in the event you opt for a specific route to complete an objective). This guide will give optional suggestions or warnings to help players avoid potential dangers. This guide will not cover Network Play Mode. While the objectives are the same online, the items however, are not. The game has 4 different item sets per difficulty online, making it problematic to generate a detailed walkthrough tailored on the online experience.


The enemy AI in Resident Evil: Outbreak can be fairly inconsistent and can add to the overall difficulty. The strategies here should prepare you for the worst-case scenario, when the AI happens to luck its way into optimal tactics against you. Many battles can be jumped right into and cleared without much help or strategy (mainly on lower difficulties). However, on harder difficulties, scarce ammunition and inability to control all of the resources during Network Play Mode can make a big difference.


Please note that this guide will not go into advanced detail in terms of Network Play Mode. Network Play Mode has more RNG (Random Number Generator) in terms of enemy placements, items, and overall enemy behavior. Most importantly, lag significantly changes the game play experience. Also, each difficulty has multiple item sets per scenario. The game will always randomize the item sets after the very first game, making it difficult to get all item sets.

The maps in this guide are one-to-one recreations in terms of scenario size, item placements, file locations, and enemy layouts (covered in Creature Analytics) for each difficulty.

This guide has been well-anticipated by the community and those that have enjoyed the Outbreak series but have run into many discrepancies from previously published print and online strategy guides. I am grateful for any positive feedback I receive. Still, errors are bound to pop up, whether on maps, tactical details, lists, or damage formulas. Please feel free to contact me via PM on Discord: SairentoZ7#4373. I also have a dedicated Discord Server for all Resident Evil: Outbreak fans, those that want more information, looking to find players to play online, etc. If you want to address any issues in the guide there instead of a PM, then that is an option too (the Discord Server link is down below). Detailed information on this game has always been a community effort. Thanks for your contributions!

For those new to Resident Evil: Outbreak, or Survival Horror games in general, the game does not actually have an in-game tutorial scenario to learn the basics. The game will literally throw you into the action and expect you to quickly learn and adapt (especially in the first scenario where it is all about moving quickly and proceeding to the next section).

The first thing to keep in mind is that unlike the past Resident Evil titles, the game runs in real-life time. When you open your Status Screen, the game does not pause, so if you’re attacked, you return back to the game. This also applies when you’re checking the Map, Special Items, and Files. This is also important when trying to offer or request items with enemies around. Use proper judgment when opening the Status Screen as doing so at the wrong moment could potentially cost you the game.

Second, your most valuable tools in this game will be the Status Screen and Map. The Status Screen displays all characters in the same room as you, their inventory, and also allows you to see their virus gauge circle. Obtaining the Map for certain sections of a scenario yields information on knowing which doors you have not opened, partner locations, items already examined, and areas you have not explored. Unless you’re playing on Emulator and are using Trackers, you’ll never know the exact virus level of your partners (in Network Play Mode, it does not accurately display what a teammate’s virus level is currently at) so whenever your partner has a virus circle that is yellow or red, it means that your partner is playing on borrowed time.

The Map is very useful online as it can show the locations of your partners. When they use the Ad-Lib feature, a green diamond will display indicating their location (more on this in GENERAL). Lastly, if playing as Jim, his special action: Item Sense allows him to know the locations of all items in the room he is currently in - but you will not know exactly what they are until he examines them.

Third, as soon as a scenario starts, all characters start infected with the T-Virus. It gradually spreads in the character’s bloodstream in every real-life minute. Some characters have higher resistance to the growth of the virus than others, therefore, some characters will live slightly or significantly longer than others. Also, once the scenario starts, you have an overall total of 5 hours to complete the scenario regardless if it is Single Play Mode or Network Play Mode. Once 5 hours have passed, the screen will blackout and take you to the Result Screen and the game will flag it as a Game Over. In this game, when characters are attacked by enemies, their virus will spike up reducing the overall time you have to complete the scenario. Certain enemies focus more on spiking your virus gauge than actually inflicting damage. Therefore, avoiding damage and ignoring enemies you do not have to fight is important.

The virus gauge can be halted with the use of recovery items. Recovery Items will only stop the growth for a short amount of time. However, there are 2 unique recovery items - the Anti-Virus Pill and Anti-Virus Pill (L) - which when used, can stop the growth for a decent amount of time. Using these at crucial moments can mean surviving or dying. George has the ability to create these particular medicines if he has the correct herbs to mix in his inventory.

When characters enter Dying status, their virus rate will begin to rise rapidly until they’re either picked up by other characters or by using a recovery item in their inventory. In Single Play Mode, when you hit 100% viral contamination, it is a universal game over. However, your AIPCs die instantly once their virus reaches full viral infection. In Network Play Mode, reaching full viral infection transforms the characters into zombies and allows the player to attack other players for a short duration of time before they die permanently.

Lastly, any character that dies in the The Hive scenario exclusively, will transform into a new Leech Man or Woman after the initial one dies. Character-transformed Leech Men or Women become permanent threats and cannot be killed for the remainder of the scenario. They can still be slowed down by the usage of Blood Packs. Therefore, it is possible for multiple Leech Men and Women to be in a room at once. The speed of these newer Leech Men/Women is dependent on the character that has died, so faster characters will move much faster than slower characters transformed.

Fourth, the game does not have Ink Ribbons which you can grab and bring to a Typewriter to save. Instead, you can approach a Typewriter and save your progress. However, doing so returns you to the main menu, so only use it if you decide to stop playing and do not want to start the scenario over.

Fifth, unlike many Resident Evil titles, most enemies in the game respawn after they’re killed. Their bodies will disappear shortly after they're killed or will not disappear and they will lay motionless on the ground before they eventually come back to life after they’re defeated. Therefore, it is impossible to kill every enemy in the scenario. Fortunately, not all enemies respawn when killed and some can be permanently killed to remove the threats for good. It is also important to note that some respawnable enemies will respawn at a different section of a room which can remove the threat completely as long as you don’t enter the section, they spawn in. Enemies that have respawned but need to attack the door in order to actually be active in a room will immediately appear in the room despite attacking a door if a cutscene triggers. As soon as the cutscene resolves, the enemy will be in the room so be careful being around doors with enemies attacking them as you could give the enemy a free attack once you gain control of your character again.

Overall, Resident Evil: Outbreak has a high learning curve but is very rewarding in the end. Keep in mind that the experience changes depending on if you’re playing offline or online.


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