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As characters take damage from enemies or hazards, their vitality points will decrease. After taking multiple attacks or a very strong attack, the character’s condition will begin to worsen. Status reduction and status ailments such as Bleed and Poison can change the character’s posture and movement speed. If the character’s status drops so much that they lose the ability to run, they can easily be overwhelmed by enemies and potentially die.

Characters can recover vitality points lost and improve their status using recovery items. Resident Evil: Outbreak, provides a large variety of recovery items characters can use. Some recovery items can heal a large amount of vitality points while smaller ones, such as herbs, only heal a small amount of vitality points. Herbs can be combined with other herbs to strengthen their restorative properties in addition to possibly removing status ailments as well.


Virus Gauge

All characters start each scenario infected with the T-Virus. As time progresses, the virus spreads further inside the character’s body. The virus’s growth increases with every real-time minute that goes by. The virus gauge in the Status Screen will display your character’s current virus progress and will also display if a character is attacked. When the virus reaches certain percentages, the virus gauge will appear warning players.

Each character has certain levels of resistance to the virus so some characters will live longer than others. The virus’s growth can be stalled by using recovery items. However, Anti-Virus Pills and Anti-Virus Pills (L) are purely focused on stalling the virus’s growth for a while, giving characters more time to complete the scenario. Like with the character's health status, the virus icon will also change color when virus reaches certain percentages.




0% - 49.99%

Virus gauge is blue.


50% - 79.99%

More T-Viral cells appear. Virus gauge changes to green.


80% - 89.99%

More T-Viral cells appear. Virus gauge changes to yellow.


90% - 99.99%

More T-Viral cells appear. Virus gauge changes to red. Once the virus gauge reaches 95%, the virus gauge will remain on the screen outside the Status Screen.



In Single Play Mode, once fully infected with the virus, the player or AIPCs will die instantly. In Network Play Mode, players will transform into a zombie.


Virus Spiking

Each character has a certain level of resistance to the virus when they take damage from enemies. Some characters will take more viral contamination from enemy attacks than others causing them to live shorter than characters having a better virus spike. Therefore, characters with bad virus spikes need to stay away from enemies as much as possible. If the character’s virus has been halted through the use of recovery items or Anti-Virus Pills, the character will not take on viral contamination from enemy attacks. NPCs will still share the same virus spike weakness as normal characters. The list below labels characters from best to worst their virus spike.


  1. George

  2. Yoko

  3. David

  4. Mark

  5. Alyssa

  6. Kevin

  7. Jim

  8. Cindy


Virus Stalling

Recovery items with the exception of Anti-Virus Pills and Anti-Virus Pills (L) can halt the growth of the T-Virus by 30 seconds. While the virus is frozen, the character will be shielded from any viral contamination caused by enemy attacks in addition to preventing the virus from spreading quicker in Dying status. Anti-Virus Pills and Anti-Virus Pills (L) are uncommon. Therefore, if the virus is becoming an issue, other recovery items are usually an immediate alternative in stalling the virus. 


Hemostats and Blue Herbs are some of the common recovery items used in virus stalling as they do not heal vitality points and the Bleed and Poison statuses, they cure are not very common. Virus stalling can be used to potentially avoid nasty viral contamination in certain situations and is useful with characters with awful virus spikes. 


Levels of Status

As a character’s status drops, the status meter in the status screen will change wording and in color. The character’s posture and speed will become affected as their status continues to worsen.  Character’s that lose their ability to run will be overtaken by enemies. Also, characters in really bad shape will not be able to shoulder other characters.

When a character’s vitality points hit zero, the character will collapse to the ground and enter a dying state. Movement speed is severely deteriorated and characters can no longer pick up any items or equip or unequip weapons. The virus rate will begin to rise quickly as well. Dying characters can be picked up and shouldered by healthier characters. If there are no other characters around to helping a dying character, recovery items can be used to get out of dying, although the recovery item’s restorative properties will be severely reduced. When a recovery item is used from Dying status, it will only restore 300 vitality points to the character. So, a good rule of thumb is to use a weaker recovery item to get out of dying then use a stronger recover item to restore the character’s normal movement speed and status.

Anti-Virus Pills are excellent in stalling the virus if a character is in Dying status. This will temporarily prevent the virus from growing and give other characters more time to save dying characters.



Color: GREEN (100% - 75%)

The character will be in their normal posture and still be at their max movement speed.

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Color: YELLOW (74% - 50%)

The character will be mildly injured but will still maintain their normal posture and be at their max movement speed.

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Color: ORANGE (49% - 25%)

The character will be moderately injured and slightly hunched down. Characters can still run at their max movement speed.

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Color: RED (24% - 1%)

The character will be severely injured and hunched down. Characters can no longer run or shoulder other characters and will enter a different aiming posture and have different attack animations with certain weapons.

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Color: RED (0%)

The character will be so injured that they'll be unable to stand. Movement speed is severely limited and the character will be unable to pick up items or equip and unequip weapons. The virus will continue to spread more rapidly as long as the character remains in Dying status.

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Vitality points will continue to drop until the character hits 1 point. As the poison continues to drain vitality points, the character will drop in status. Poison status can only be removed by using a Blue Herb, Mixed Herb Compound containing a Blue Herb, or an Antidote.

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The character will be hunched over as if in Danger status. If the character moves or is climbing up or down ladders, they'll leave behind small puddles of blood. Characters lose 5 vitality points per blood puddle (if vibration is turned on, the controller will rumble when you lose vitality points). The Leech Man is the only enemy that can trace a bleeding character and follow the blood trail.

Unlike with Poison status, Bleed is only temporary and eventually wears off. Bleed status can be removed more quickly by using a First Aid Spray or Hemostat.

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Color: N/A

In Network Play Mode, whenever a player's virus reaches 100%, instead of immediately dying, they'll transform into a zombie. In the zombified state, players will be unable to access the Status Screen or Map. Also, zombie players will be unable to open doors normally. They must attack doors with the Action button in order to open doors and enter (not all doors can be forced open with attacks).

Your goal is to track and attack other players (or seek revenge in the event other players contributed to your demise) Zombified players only inflict moderate damage and their only attack is the Double Scratch, which has all the same properties as a regular zombie but not near as powerful. Due to the Net Code of Outbreak, attacking other players is all about anticipation since the player is normally never at the location on your screen unless they’re standing still.

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Zombified players have no vitality points. Instead, zombie players are placed under a short time limit in how long they can stay active as a zombie. As zombified players takes hits, the time they have to stay active as a zombie reduces. Various attacks take away a certain amount of seconds off of zombie players. Once the zombified player's time runs out, they will collapse to the ground and die.


If a cut scene triggers while a player is a zombie, a cut scene will play of the character dying as a zombie, ending the game. Therefore, cut scenes another method in removing zombified players.






One of the most plentiful recovery items in the game. Green Herbs only restore a small amount of vitality points. In some cases, a single Green Herb can be enough to raise a character's status to a better level. When combined with other herbs, the restorative properties increase. Poison status can be removed while restoring vitality points if combined with a Blue Herb.




Red Herbs are completely useless on their own, but when they're combined with Green Herbs, the restorative properties increase significantly. Red Herbs can be mixed with a single Green Herb or a Green+Blue Herb mixture. Mixing Red Herbs with Blue Herbs grants no additional benefits other than removing Poison Status.



0 +  Removes Poison

Blue Herbs remove Poison status when used. These herbs can be combined with a single Green Herb, Green+Green Herb Mixture, or a Green+Red Herb Mixture to remove Poison status while restoring vitality points. Mixing Blue Herbs with Red Herbs grants no additional benefits other than removing Poison Status.



0 +  Removes Poison

This mix herb compound is created by combining a Red Herb with a Blue Herb. Similar to a Red Herb, this mixture provides no additional healing benefits other than removing Poison status. This herb mixture needs to be combined with either a Green Herb or with George's Medicine Set in order to have any restorative properties.



500 + Removes Poison

This mix herb compound is created by combining a Green Herb with a Blue Herb. This mixture allows you to remove Poison status while restoring a small amount of vitality points. It can be combined with a Red Herb to increase its restorative properties further than a Green+Red Herb mix.




This mix herb compound is created by combining a Green Herb with another Green Herb. This mixture allows you to restore more vitality points than a single Green Herb. Decent if a character has taken moderate damage. This mixture can be combined with a Green Herb or Blue Herb.



1000 + Removes Poison

This mix herb compound is created by combining a Green Herb with another Green Herb and a Blue Herb. This mixture allows you restore more vitality points than a single Green Herb while removing Poison status. Decent if a character has taken moderate damage and has been inflicted with Poison status. This mixture cannot be mixed with any other herbs.




This mix herb compound is created by combining a Green Herb with a Red Herb. This herb mixture increases the restorative properties of the Green Herb significantly. This mixture can get most characters to Fine status from any status, however, this will not be enough to get characters with really high vitality points values to Fine status if their health is extremely low.



2200 + Removes Poison

This mix herb compound is created by combining a Green Herb with a Red Herb and Blue Herb. This herb mixture increases the restorative properties of the Green Herb significantly as well as removes Poison status. This mixture also restores slightly more vitality points than a Green+Red Herb Mix making this mixture much more ideal for characters with larger vitality point pools.



0 + Removes Poison

This medicine has the ability to remove Poison status when used. George can create this medicine by combining a Green Herb with his Medicine Set. Useful if there are no Blue Herbs around and a character in inflicted with Poison status. Antidotes do not provide any temporary poison immunity when used. Multiple Antidotes can be carried in a single item slot.



0 + Removes Bleed

This medicine has the ability to remove Bleed status when used. George can create this medicine by combining a Red Herb with his Medicine Set. This medicine is very situational and does not have as much utility compared to the other medicines but it can be used as an alternative to stall the virus. Multiple Hemostats can be carried in a single item slot.




This medicine has the ability to restore a small amount of vitality points when used. George can create this medicine by combining a Blue Herb with his Medicine Set. This medicine is superior to single Green Herbs as it recovers the same amount of vitality points and players can carry multiple Recovery Medicines in a single item slot. If there is no threat of Poison status, George can utilize the Blue Herbs he finds, or a Cindy player can offer George her starting Blue Herbs.



1 minute 30 seconds

This medicine has the ability to halt the growth of the T-Virus when used. George can create this medicine by combining a Green+Blue Herb Mix or Green+Green+Blue Herb Mix with his Medicine Set. This medicine is great for characters with fast virus rates or someone who has a high virus rate due to too much viral contamination with enemies or entering Dying status too much. This medicine is very powerful if a character is in Dying status and has no way to pick themselves off the ground. The virus growth suppression will also shield characters from taking viral contamination from enemy attacks. If you plan on making an Anti-Virus Pill, never use a Green+Green+Blue Herb Mix as this does not increase the quantity and permanently removes an extra Green Herb from the scenario.




This medicine has the ability to restore a large amount of vitality points when used. it is equivalent to a Green+Red Herb Mix. George can create this medicine by combining a Blue+Red Herb Mix with his Medicine Set. This medicine is superior to a Green+Red Herb Mix as it recovers the same amount of vitality points and players can carry multiple Recovery Medicines (L) in a single item slot. If there is no threat of Poison status, George can utilize the Blue Herbs with Red Herbs he finds. Additionally, a Cindy player can offer George her starting Blue Herbs and Red Herbs in order to create this medicine.



3 minute 30 seconds

This medicine has the ability to halt the growth of the T-Virus for a longer period of time when used. George can create this medicine by combining a Green+Red+Blue Herb Mix with his Medicine Set. This medicine is great for characters with fast virus rates or someone who has a high virus rate due to too much viral contamination with enemies or entering dying status too much. This medicine is very powerful if a character is in dying status and has no way to pick themselves off the ground. The virus growth suppression will also shield characters from taking viral contamination from enemy attacks. The longer period of halting the virus gives Dying players a chance to be rescued and Jim ample time to abuse his Play Dead ability.




Only found in The Hive scenario. If the player is George, the Recovery Medicine Base can be found in the Treatment Room. The Recovery Medicine Base has no use on its own. It needs to be combined with George's Medicine Set to create Recovery Medicines.



3000 + Removes Bleed

The strongest recovery item in the game, the First Aid Spray is the only recovery item that can be equipped and used to spray other characters. The spray will only effect one character and not multiple characters in one spray. In Infinity Mode, the First Aid Spray will not disappear when equipped and used to spray other characters but it will disappear like normal if used from the inventory. First Aid Sprays are the only recovery item that removes Bleed status while also restoring vitality points. First Aid Sprays are more ideal for characters with very high vitality point pools.



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Herbs are the most plentiful recovery items in the game. Alone, herbs do not restore a lot of vitality points, although in various situations, a single Green Herb may be enough to improve the character's status. Herbs must be combined with other herbs in order to make more powerful combinations that restore more vitality points. Characters with more vitality points will require stronger mixed herb compounds than weaker characters. 


To combine herbs, you must have one in your inventory and select the Combine command and move the second cursor to the herb you wish to mix. You can also select individual herbs to mix with mixed herb compounds provided the game allows it. Herbs can also be combined when trying to pick up herbs in the area. To combine herbs this way, you must place the cursor on the inventory slot that has the herb and press the action button. The game will ask if you wish to combine the herbs. If you choose yes, the herbs will be combined and fill that same inventory slot.



Medicine Chart.png

George is able to use various herbs and mixed herb compounds in order to create many types of medicines using his Medicine Set. Unlike herbs, medicines can be stacked in a single inventory slot to conserve space. To create medicines, George must have the correct herb or mixed herb compound in his inventory then select the Combine command and move the cursor to George's Medicine Set. The herb will immediately be replaced with the medicine. Be careful as once you create a medicine from the Medicine Kit, you cannot convert the medicine back into the herb used to create it. 



Players can equip First Aid Sprays from inventory and use it to spray other characters to restore their vitality points as well as to remove Bleed status. After using the First Aid Spray this way, the spray will disappear from inventory. However, if playing on Infinity Mode, the First Aid Spray can be used infinitely as long as the player does not use the spray to heal themselves from inventory.


With the First Aid Spray equipped, players can spray nearby characters. Players will be unable to auto-trace other characters using auto-aim, so you must adjust your aim accordingly to effectively spray someone. The First Aid Spray will be unable to heal multiple characters at once so you must spray each character one at a time (if playing on Infinity Mode) in order to heal everyone. 


WARNING: The First Aid Spray can void out the "No Damage Clear" bonus if that player is sprayed.




Characters in Dying status with no way to pick themselves off the ground are reliant on other characters to pick them up as this will prevent the rapid growth of the T-Virus. Characters must approach a dying character and press the Action button in order to pick them up. The virus will return to its normal growth once the character is fully up. During the character pickup animation both characters are invincible and cannot be attacked, but they can be attacked once the dying character has been fully picked up. Alternately, Cindy can have dying characters get themselves off the ground by aiding a herb or mixed herb compound from her Herb Case while they're crawling or she can quickly aid a Blue Herb to stall their virus so that she has more time to pick them off the ground and prevent their virus from increasing too much. 

In Network Play Mode, due to the Net Code, there can be delay in picking up dying players so it can be dangerous if there are enemies in the room. In these cases, you might need to lure the enemy away or kill it to safely pick up dying characters. Players playing with bad game speed via Emulator can make it extremely difficult for other players to pick them up from dying.


Characters that can still run can grab and shoulder other characters in Bleed or Danger status. By pressing the Action button near an injured partner, you can grab them and shoulder them around with the D-Pad or Control Stick. Both characters will gain invincibility frames during the grabbing animation but disappear once the character grabbing the injured partner fully grabs onto the other character. While shouldering a character, you will be unable to run but you will be able to shoulder them faster than the injured character would be able to move on their own. If you press the Action button near an item or door, your character will immediately release the other character and examine the item or use the door.

Characters in Bleed or Danger status cannot shoulder other partners in the same status. If you're picked up by an AIPC partner or another player, you can have them release you by pressing any button. Bear in mind that in Network Play Mode, by forcing your teammate to release you, you put them in danger of being attacked. So, it is important to use proper judgment when they're trying to shoulder you so as not to endanger a teammate who has come to your aid.

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